My personal measuring unit is my body. I routinely measure things against my hand with its various joints and creases, and it works very well.
Metric is very simple to use, especially when doing calculation. It is easy to slide the decimal point to the right or left.
Standard (most Americans don't like calling it Imperial)is superior for everyday household use. It is based on dividing the unit in half, then half again, and so on. Very easy and intuitive to do. Even thirds of a unit are easy to do. The thought of measuring .33333333333 liter? PULEEEZE!
Imperial or Metric
by 5thGeneration 11 Replies latest jw friends
I find the metric system easier and more logical to use. Its makes total sense:
1000cm3 = 1L
1m3 of water = 1 metric tonne
and so on.....
C'mon chums across then pond, get on board cos it makes sense dunnit!