Were most Witnesses very intelligent, in your honest opinion?
Did You Find Many JWs As Being Not Very Intelligent?
by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends
I found that they had the capacity to be intelligent, but many were mentally lazy.
Yep I think..no I know that jws are trained to be mentally lazy. It's funny that those who chose to use their brains are looked upon as being the less intelligent ones.
knock knock
lots of intelligent JWs. But they waste their intelligence in subservience to the WTBTS.
I don't necessarily believe that they weren't or rather aren't intelligent. My observations were that they didn't exhibit a lot of common sense in many matters. Follow the crowd. Someone must surely know where the hell we're going.......
like lemmings?
Here it is number "700".
YES!! Just like little bitty LEMMINGS!!!!!
JWs are pretty much like the rest of society in general...some were highly intelligent, some were borderline idiots, most were average.
What I did notice about the above-normal intelligent dubs was that they lacked common sense. They could do complicated mathematics in their head but couldn't give directions across town. For some JWs that were above-normal intelligiance, being that smart was their downfall. They figured since they were so smart and that they were in a priviledged state as a JW, there was no way they could ever be wrong about what they believed.
The below average intelligent dubs were usually the friendliest. They had no enemies, they held no grudges. But unfortunately, most other dubs avoided them. They were just a little too thick to realize that they were a lower class.
What most of them had in common, was that they were mentally lazy. They didn't think or reason on anything more than was required or they wanted to. That's why even the most intelligent of the JWs remains trapped. They don't use their intelligence to work out how the logistics of the religion is in error and how prophecies have failed.
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
Don't get me started!!! Yes I find that to be true. Unable to reason or logic on daily topics and in relationships. Think about it, in the case of JWs, the learning curve for what's true, right and acceptable is really only about this high (that's about a foot off the ground). They think that they're so elevated above the 'world' and other religions, but they're not. Here's what I mean.
The studying and the reasoning that they say they do, this takes place really only in the first few weeks of a new student's JW life, the rest is letting the mind fall into the well-prepared trap of thoughtless obedience. A student reads the paragraph, as an example: 'We must avoid certain types of entertainment such as R-rated or PG-13 movies because they can lead us astray from the faith, and Satan will use eveything in the world to persuade us to leave the safety of God's organization'. (2Cor 4:4) This scripture says nothing about entertainment, movies, Satan, trickery, God's organization, it really doesn't say anything, because without being told the JW belief that 'the god of this system' is Satan, it's meaningless. That's where the student is 'sold' on JW doctrine, that's where the teacher/salesperson comes in. It's all sales techinique and hypnosis.
Later, when these people believe they know everything and have immunity from the laws of human decency and the courts of this land, why would they spend their time thinking and seeking to improve their behavior and their smarts? They are told and believe that every subject they will ever need is in the Awake and WT, so who needs college. I remember they said that the Kingdom Song Book contained all the music theory anyone would ever need, so don't even seek a higher music education!!
When people are told to stop learning and they obey, they get stupid.