My sister died 31 years ago today.
She died a faithful Witness, at the hands of the abusive husband to whom the Elders told her to return.
Tell A Story In 29 Words - In Honor Of Extra Day
by snowbird 31 Replies latest jw experiences
I went to the gym today. I kicked my own ass. Why did I do this you ask me? Drugs and alcohol wish they could produce this euphoric high
Right on wildebeerman!
I do not intend to propose to anybody despite the tradition that the female can ask on a leap year.
So you can all relax and save your excuses!
Sad emo
The end of a month. The end of an era.
Another phase of this life is come and gone. Time to move on.
Who knows what tomorrow will bring?!
Princess Daisy Boo
My friend turns 32 today.Poor girl, she only celebrates every four years. Lucky girl, she is 8 with the wisdom of a 32 year old. Happy Birthday Dindi!
Tyrone van leyen
Witness life was all an illusion. 12 more years, spent in confusion. Now, at 40 I see the delusion, but my back is broken. I need a T1 fusion.
Everywhere is beauty.
Leave your past behind.
It is the condition of your mind
That opens doors.
Lays down floors and
Holds your hand on your journey of discovery.
Thank you, my friends of JWD.
You have come through time and time again to show your concern and interest.
Peace to all is my wish.
Happy Leap Day!
Shepherd Book
It was on this calendar day,
I proposed to my lovely fiance'.
And though eleven years have came and went,
It is only the third anniversary of our engagement.
I used to think I was in "the Truth."
Now I know it was a lie.
I used to let others guide my thinking.
Now I think for myself.
There once was was a man named tucker...