At another thread (sorry, can't find which one), this link was provided:
I couldn't determine if that site was a joke or not, but they provided an email address, [email protected]. So I sent them this email:
You might like to see this site: It has a lot of correspondence with the brothers at Bethel and gives a lot of great information.
To which I recieved this response:
You are fighting against JEHOVAH not man and you can never win! Jehovah's people will continue to grow and grow and to prosper as they have over the past 100 years!! Despite their imperfections that JEhovah sees and forgives, they will move into His wonderful new world to live FOREVER...after the Great Tribulation, but you will be DEAD!
You should be shaking in your boots!!
You have been blocked from sending emails to this address and the others!
I wanted to respond and tell them I hope they're right - I hope God does forgive the Watchtower Society for its imperfections. I also wanted to point out that they are not really acting Christ-like in their response to me; if this is how they react to a website consisting of letters from the Watchtower Society, I worry how they'd react to outright disagreement. Yikes. I'm scared just thinking about it.
Anyway, I'm hoping some of you would like to help...drop them a line at [email protected] and let them know how you feel about their unloving response.