Loving email helps identify true religion

by Shepherd Book 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Shepherd Book
    Shepherd Book

    At another thread (sorry, can't find which one), this link was provided: http://www.needgreaters.com.

    I couldn't determine if that site was a joke or not, but they provided an email address, [email protected]. So I sent them this email:


    You might like to see this site: http://www.watchtowerletters.com. It has a lot of correspondence with the brothers at Bethel and gives a lot of great information.


    To which I recieved this response:

    You are fighting against JEHOVAH not man and you can never win! Jehovah's people will continue to grow and grow and to prosper as they have over the past 100 years!! Despite their imperfections that JEhovah sees and forgives, they will move into His wonderful new world to live FOREVER...after the Great Tribulation, but you will be DEAD!

    You should be shaking in your boots!!

    You have been blocked from sending emails to this address and the others!

    I wanted to respond and tell them I hope they're right - I hope God does forgive the Watchtower Society for its imperfections. I also wanted to point out that they are not really acting Christ-like in their response to me; if this is how they react to a website consisting of letters from the Watchtower Society, I worry how they'd react to outright disagreement. Yikes. I'm scared just thinking about it.

    Anyway, I'm hoping some of you would like to help...drop them a line at [email protected] and let them know how you feel about their unloving response.

  • fifi40

    It seems they take the approach of 'putting their hands over their ears, squeezing their eyes tight shut and loudly repeating NaNaNaNaNaNa'.

  • lisavegas420

    over the past 100 years!!

    Big freakin' whoppdeedoo.


  • Shepherd Book
    Shepherd Book

    Yeah, it begs the question - why haven't Jehovah's people grown and prospered as much as the Mormons?

  • justhuman

    Typical brained washed JW email...Yeah we apostates are alll going to die in Armageddon that it will come very soon!!! In fact it might come before I type this post!!!

    JW's are so brainwashed that they cannot even see that they are shrinking in numbers...there are Churches that they increasing in great numbers...the only end a JW will see it is the end of their misserable life...

  • Honesty

    I just sent this to those sweeeeeeeet brothers:


    The Watchtower Society often cites Luke 12:36-37 as support that they have been appointed by Jesus over all his earthly interests there are certain criteria that MUST be met if their claims have any merit.

    1.They must be waiting for the master to return:

    You must be like people waiting for their master to return
    Luke 12:36

    They obviously weren’t waiting for the master to return in 1914 because the official Watchtower Society teaching JW's were compelled to accept up until 1943 was that Jesus had already returned in 1914:

    Jehovah’s Witnesses — Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom

    Chapter 10 pages 133-134

    Russell also came to be persuaded that Christ’s invisible presence had begun in 1874. Attention was later drawn to this by the subtitle "Herald of Christ’s Presence," which appeared on the cover of Zion’s Watch Tower.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses — Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom

    Chapter 10 page 133

    A clearer understanding of Biblical chronology was published in 1943, in the book "The Truth Shall Make You Free," and it was then refined the following year in the book "The Kingdom Is at Hand," as well as in later publications.


    2.The slave MUST open the door IMMEDIATELY to the master:

    when he comes and knocks, they can open [the door] for him at once
    Luke 12:36

    If Jesus began knocking in 1914, no one at the Watchtower Society knew about it until 1943.

    We are to believe Jesus was knocking from 1914 until it was realized he was outside trying to get in when the book "The Truth Shall Make You Free" was released in 1943.

    Jesus would have been knocking for 29 years with no answer?

    Worse yet…

    The Watchtower Proclaimers book states on page133 that the date of Jesus’ 2nd coming was changed from 1874 to 1914 in 1943:

    In 1876, when Russell had first read a copy of Herald of the Morning, he had learned that there was another group who then believed that Christ’s return would be invisible and who associated that return with blessings for all families of the earth. From Mr. Barbour, editor of that publication, Russell also came to be persuaded that Christ’s invisible presence had begun in 1874. Attention was later drawn to this by the subtitle "Herald of Christ’s Presence," which appeared on the cover of Zion’s Watch Tower.
    This was influenced by the belief that the seventh millennium of human history had begun in 1873 and that a period of divine disfavor (of equal length to a former period considered to be one of favor) upon natural Israel would end in 1878. The chronology was flawed because of relying on an inaccurate rendering of Acts 13:20 in the King James Version, belief that there was a transcription error at 1 Kings 6:1, and failure to take into account Biblical synchronisms in the dating of reigns of the kings of Judah and of Israel. A clearer understanding of Biblical chronology was published in 1943, in the book "The Truth Shall Make You Free," and it was then refined the following year in the book "The Kingdom Is at Hand," as well as in later publications.

    A total of 69 years of being neither "faithful" nor "discreet".


  • Shepherd Book
    Shepherd Book

    Honesty - Nicely done!

    Way to go 'above and beyond'!

  • Honesty


    I have 2 other email addresses so I get 2 more swings before striking out.

  • Gopher


    Have you told Jehovah you're sorry?

  • Shepherd Book
    Shepherd Book

    Yes, and I added that, if He wants me to be a Witness again, he should send me a sign...like maybe a kind email from a Witness-run website.

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