Don't you people know anything? Colder winters are predicted by the global warming models. And warmer winters. And colder summers. And warmer summers. And droughts. And floods. Models predict bigger hurricanes as well as fewer or no hurricanes. No matter what the weather is today or tomorrow, the global warming models predict it so global warming is absolute truth.
Last summer my area enjoyed a couple of weeks of above normal temperatures. The local news couldn't get the global warming experts on fast enough to talk about melting ice caps, drowning polar bears, and redwood sized poison ivy plants. Their solutions were to drive hybrids, buy carbon offsets, switch to compact flourescent bulbs, and submit to global taxation. Kind of took the fun out of a rare heat wave. This winter, with temps well below average most days, not a peep from any of the same experts. At least Al Gore got a Nobel out of the deal.