What's The Worst Thing An Elder or Elders Did To You?

by minimus 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    I did 350 to 400 hours of FS a year, and they tell me to quit my job...... because 3 or 4 months a year, I do less than the average.

    And what did the elders write on their slip? About 10-12 hours a month, so that's 120-150 hours a year?
    How much of theirs was actual "knocking" or streetwork? Probably about 3 hours a month.

    What a joke.

  • MOG

    I remember an elder (last time I went to a kingdom hall) and he asked me what were my hours for the month then he went on to say "even though you never go anyways"..and he did this while the meeting was going on, pulled me in front of everyone..So I told him, "did you just pull me to tell me that", how about I give you nothing since I did nothing"

  • VanillaMocha73

    Learn of spousal abuse, sit on the family's couch, ask the husband if he beat his wife, hear a no, nod sagely, and leave.... and not wonder what happened to her after he left.....

  • ninja

    I'm not telling.....but my arse is still sore

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    It turned out to be the best thing but:

    Forced me out of pioneering by words and hostile environment. I had RPd for 10 years, started before I was married--I had lived with my RP parents, elder dad. When I married, husband and I went to a new kh. The powers there resented that I had married this non-pio who regularly put in 8 hours a month, not 10, and told us he was therefore 'not exemplary'. He told the BOE he wanted to help others i.e. reach out, they told him he was just trying to measure up to my 'status' and that 8 hours made him ineligible to help in the cong. We were really mistreated. They actually accused me of studying with my husband to count time. They repeatedly counselled my husband against the 2 of us working together in service. They forbade him from conducting my bible studies; out of frustration I turned over to others studies with interested couples. They told him that I shouldn't be going to my parents' territory to work with them--I was certainly not encouraged to work with my home-court buffoons. Once, in an open conversation about vacations including a common vaca spot, I said 'We went there once, years ago'--and the ring leader elder of this bunch said 'Well haven't you lived a charmed life'. When I had 3 months in a row, got in 80-85 hours a month instead of the required 90, they told me I just didn't meet the requirements and had one more month to get my schedule straightened out. So, I quit. It was all so eye-opening. My husband was needed to work on the AC units on the roof during the meetings on several occasions, and did so, but he was never permitted to carry a microphone or read or pray for the cong...but could ruin his good suits and miss the meetings.

    That cong was the worst 4 years of our JW lives, and the first time I experienced the shit-stick end of nepotism, favoritism and bias.

  • dogisgod

    When my ex husband was outed I was asked to one committee with him and they asked him,"Was it something your wife would or wouldn't do for you that made you turn to men?". That was it for me. Bye Bye.

  • buffalosrfree

    dittos OTWO they try and remake everyone into the non thinking zombies that they are are we all feel for it at one time or another.

  • jambon1

    I suppose in relation to others experience, mine was pretty tame. Yet the way that a couple of elders manipulated me & in one case actually bullied me just to get their own way, was IMO disgusting. I was aware of others experiences that were fairly shocking. I suppose in my own personal case it was a build up of what I felt was unscriptural conduct repeated time after time, after time. It eventually just sickens you.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    How did they worse me? Let me count the ways......

    There are many, many times they did mean and cruel things to my family. I will focus on one time that an elder tried to force me to tell my wife to stop wearing make-up and combing her hair. He told me that she looked like a hooker. That hurt. I responded by telling him that she did not look like a hooker, she unlike his wife was just too proud to go out looking like she had not had a bath in a month. He got mad and removed my priveleges.....So actually he did me a favor after all!

  • blondie

    LIED, LIED, LIED, and LIED about LYING. Tried to destroy my reputation and found themselves on the difficult end of having to explain the facts I presented to the CO and DO. It turned out that the CO and DO had their own reasons to get these men by the short hairs, not necessarily wanting to clear my name. Elders lied about knowing about a pedophile in their congregation.

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