Something I learned from being born-in

by dinah 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    Been thinking and painting today.

    Anyway, my mind started wandering and settled onto this: Being born in has made me more understanding of people since I woke up from the cult.

    Think about it. I came here, met a bunch of other born-in peeps who immediately understood. We have all kinda branched out in different directions. Anyone who has been on this site for awhile can see what a motley crew we are. We have Christians, Pagans, WIccans, name it we have a few. What difference does it really make?

    I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm happy we all kinda started out in the same place because it's easier to know where you're coming from and where we're going.

    IF I hadn't left the JW's I'd never have spoken to any of you in all probability. Think of what I would have missed.........

  • flipper

    DINAH- It is true , many of us here have the common bond of being controlled by a " mind control cult ", some of us from birth like you and me. So a brave new world has opened up to many of us , and no matter what we are doing , whether we are Wiccans, atheists, agnostics , or whatever it has given us a more compassionate view of what other people have suffered and gone through .

    Also, the longer I'm out of the witnesses , I feel more and more sorry for them that they are SO mind controlled. But, they just don't get it ! But I'm glad to have met great people like you and others here as well , to bounce ideas off of - we did not have that freedom in the witnesses ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • oompa

    Dinah, nice thought in total.

    you said: Being born in has made me more understanding of people

    That may be true for me too....I rejected being an elder over and over because I was very non-judgemental and still am...coming out makes me even more so, and that is similar to being understanding....of course there is also the chance that I did not want to be an elder because deep down I knew it was BS............................oompa

  • dinah

    Mr. Flipper---Thanks for your input. If you and I go back and look at our lives, we can see that influence. The other born-ins had that same influence. There is just a soft spot in my heart for people like us who weren't given a choice.

    Oompa--You are too nice to be an elder. The prerequisite is to be blind and heartless. You are neither.

  • beksbks

    I'm not sure what you are saying Dinah. But then Ninja and I have been drinking today. I used to say I lived in a cave my whole youth, and when I left, It was like coming out into the light. You mean because we lived through that type of experience, we are maybe more tolerant of others, and their experiences/beliefs? As in maybe they are trying to find their way out of some cave also?

  • Lo-ru-hamah


    I really get what you are saying. One of the nicest things in coming out of being a witness was letting go of the judgement of people because they didn't believe exactly what you did.

    There is really a diverse group of people here and it is really enlightening listening to what they have learned. If we were still witnesses we wouldn't have such great opportunities to expand our horizons and if we hadn't been witnesses we wouldn't appreciate it enough.

    Great thought. Thanks for the moment to appreciate.


  • dinah

    Yeah Beks, but it's almost like we all crawled out of the same cave, in some ways. In other words, we understand how it was to be misfits, live thinking everyone would die a violent death (in my case my own father, but he was just here an hour ago). We lived thinking we knew EVERYTHING from a very young age because we had meetings and service and endless magazines, bound volumes and BOOKS.

    It just makes me feel better to unlearn the things I thought I knew and admit I know nothing (about God's BIG PLAN).

    Being free to love people regardless of their orientation and church background is being truly free.

    I just wish it hadn't taken me so long to figure this out.

  • beksbks

    Well Dinah, I've been fortunate. I've been out for 27 years, and I've had a lot more time to love everyone. Sometimes it's overwhelming.

    Hey we need to kick back and have a margarita sometime, with no wolves around.

  • dinah

    I hear ya beks, this will probably be my last game.

    The friends I have now are unconditional friends. One of those was a born in also, and we've been friends for 28 years. We mess up and laugh about it, we don't df'd each other.

  • BFD

    Dinah I understand what you're saying. I have been away from meetings for a long time but have only recently discovered the religion that I was raised in is false. It totally changed the way I view the world and the people in it.

    Before I awakened I pretty much had a live and let live attitude. I just accepted that we were all going to die for it, any day, for 30 years. It's been a little over a year now and I finally do not fear Armageddon. And a lot of the times I think we're all alone here. That it is possible for me to believe there is no God. But, I still am afraid to admit it. I want there to be a God.

    How'd the living room come out?


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