Would You Really Want To Live Forever With Dubs?

by shamus100 45 Replies latest social current

  • shamus100

    Here is the hypothetical question of the day - Would you, or more appropriately, COULD YOU live forever in paradise on earth with JW's? With the hypocrosy, silly elders, silly people... feeding lions and cleaning up after animals... everyone living by waterfalls, like the JW'S always portray in they're psychotic pamphlets....

    Or would you rather be dead.

    I, personally, would much rather be dead. Living forever with that nonsense sounds like hell on earth. Having been away from all assosiation from all dubs (even ex-JW's) for two years (including this board) only cements my beliefs.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I think the living would envy the dead!!....and you can't kill yourself!!!!!!! This is a nightmare singing kingdom songs forever and ever.

  • DT

    I'm sure they would find a reason to shun me. Imagine having the whole world shun you! Wherever you go they would scurry away in fear. If I could find a nice female apostate, I think I would be OK. I might even start a tribe of apostates and ruin paradise for everyone. I suppose that would get me destroyed by their loving God.

  • shamus100

    My apologies - I did not mean to infer that ex-dubs were just as nauseating as dubs. It's just that the mind control set for the last 2 years was so completely gone that coming back and re-living my past send shivers down my spine. It is a funny thing - the past comes up, and I can only come up with 'what was I thinking'??

    LOL. Singing those crappy kingdumb songs. "Dark Days are here... men live in fear.... But the bible is so HAPPY...." Bleah!

  • kwr

    Yes I could live in paradise forever with a dub. After all who is going to do all the cooking and cleaning?

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Don't forget the lack of technology .... because no one furthered their education. And of course the "privilege" of burying 700 dead bodies a piece!

    Nope, no paradise for me please.

  • mrsjones5

    Oh hell no! I was just thinking about this in relation to my mother who wants to survive the big A and live in paradise with a lot of people she can't stand...very funny.


  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    This reminds me of the opening stanzas of the Canadian poet, Robert Service, and his poem
    "The Wage Slave."

    This starts off
    "When the long, long day is over, and the Big Boss gives me my pay,
    I hope that it won't be hellfire, as some of the parsons say.
    And I hope that it won't be heaven, with some of the parsons I've met-"

  • ninja

    with my wife ...yep.........she is a dub extraordinaire.....but a wife even more extraordinaire....great wee woman

  • free2think

    Hell No

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