This afternoon I attended the CA, PIONEER / PIONEER / PIONEER / PIONEER, everything else you might need to do in life is not important. FOCUS on the NEW SYSTEM, and MAKING DISCIPLES ! And near the end of the session, the district overseer made a quick but noted comment. Even though Armageddon may not come in our lifetime, we still need to remain focused on service, and the disciple-making work. What the hell is going on lately ??? Oh, and I was looking around the hall, and nobody was smiling during the entire afternoon session. I thought that "religious activities" were supposed to be uplifting and encouraging to people attending them. What a joke !
circuit assembly / what did they say ??
by lancelink 16 Replies latest jw experiences
horrible life
They weren't smiling because they need to do MORE, MORE, MORE, MORE, MORE, MORE, MORE, MORE..............
They weren't smiling because they need to give MORE, MORE, MORE, MORE, MORE,..................
How much more burden can the average JW take??
Welcome Lancelink!!! -
They were not smiling but they are the happiest people in the world. That's what they are told
I agree that it is noteworthy that the overseer suggested that armageddon may be delayed - even beyond our lifetime. (Of course, if he meant the "millions now living" that "will never die" - it went without saying!)
If you read in Matthew 24 about the FDS, and then keep on reading, you'll learn of the evil slave who says to himself that the Master delays in returning. He begins to look upon himself as the master. Consequently, he begins mistreating his fellow servants, whom he has been entrusted the task of keeping well fed. (Let the reader use discernment. )
so we walk in Tim Horton's, and yep, you guessed it, about 20 JW's.
My granddaughter say's "How can you tell, they're JW's? 'cause they're all dressed alike?". ...she's only 10..
I looked around the room,...and was so glad I wasn't with them. (I didn't know anyone) We sat down, only a few feet away, I could have said something, but I didn't. Just breathed a deep sigh of relief that I wasn't a JW, and my husband and my granddaughter and I were going to get up from our table and go do somthing fun. Later meet up with my also non -JW children and enjoy a family sit down meal in a nice restrauant.
No guilt, no fear. I've come a long way. go me.
White Dove
I don't see the big deal of making disciples if the new system won't happen in our lifetime. When people die, they will automatically get a resurrection to earth whether they are JW's or not. What's the point. I often wondered what the urgency was when they talked about the 5,000 being added in John the Baptist's day. Oh, those people could actually get into heaven back then. They HAD to get baptized before they died.
district overseer made a quick but noted comment. Even though Armageddon may not come in our lifetime, we still need to remain focused on service, and the disciple-making work
Wow! An honest sounding statement from a D.O.!!
I grew up in the Truth Lie. I grew up hearing my dad talk about the new system coming in his lifetime. He is now in his late sixties. I don't hear him say that anymore.
The problem the Watchtower has is, how to keep the masses motivated to do a bunch of unpleasant chores without an imminent threat/reward.
The Doc 58
Those assemblies were the most irratating and boring part od my existence for several years.
Welcome LL,
Work all week then off to waste your weekend sitting inside a building, meeeemories.
The start of the realization of what your involved in, looking around seeing the blank distant stares on peoples faces.
wow, thank you for the replies ! One other point that I forgot to mention is this :: Is the society scraping the bottom of the barrel for elders ? There was one part in which the dangers of the internet was brought up. A young girl and her "father" ( an elder by the name of Renfrow, whenever I see him I start hearing the song dueling banjos, he would have fit into the movie Deliverance perfectly.) Anyway, he started talking to her about who she was writing a message to, and he referred to this person as a jerk. maybe I'm a little old fashioned, but years ago when I was part of the Theo. school respect for the audience was a major point. If he was just talking to his daughter alone, this term might have been allowable, but in front of 2000 ++ people,,,, I felt a little shiver of embarrassment run down my back. respectable standards seem to be going down the drain in many different aspects of the society. Am I just being sensitive, or have others noticed this also ???