by V 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • V

    I am looking for someone to comment on the way Distrcit Convention budgets are calculated, including the inevitable "deficit" that is based on a prearranged dontation to the "worldwide work."

    This information will be shown in an upcoming Watchtower Comments video, so I need accuracy, documents, links, anything you can provide.

    Thank you!

  • Mary

    I think Uzzah would probably be a good one to ask V........

  • blondie

    A standard dollar amount is calculated for each publisher assigned to that assembly/convention to be given to the WTS. It comes off the top before any expenses are paid. Most circuits have money left over from the previous assembly. If at the end of the assembly there is not enough money to pay the expenses, each congregation is assessed an amount to pay. It is amazing but where there are WT assembly halls, charges are assessed to pay to the assembly hall. Either way, the WTS gets their money upfront.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Sorry V, I don't know about the convention finances. On the circuit level, I have limited experience working with Circuit Assemblies and Special Assembly Days.

  • V

    Also...has anyone ever recorded the accounts statement or request for contributions annoucement at a convention or assembly?

  • jefferywhat

    One thing I witnessed which confused me regarding assembly halls and contributions.

    Johny donates money to do an extension at bethel, along with all the other johny's.

    Then an assembly hall is build and they need machinery etc.

    The money Johny donated to the WTBTS went towards buying machinery, which just so happens to be needed now by the new assembly hall construction.

    So does the WTBTS simply donate it back?

    No they sell in or hire it back to the people who provided the funds in the first place therefore more donations are needed to pay for it.

    After the assembly hall is built, they dedicate it ( code word for give it over to the WTBTS).

    That is crazy and goes towards the "price per publisher" figure.

  • jefferywhat

    V, I have the entire "godly obedience" convention on disc in mp3 format. there is bound to be an announcement.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I worked in the accounts dept for the CA's. Some of you may be aware that the DC and CA way of accounts are very similar but also have distinct differences.

  • AllTimeJeff

    At the CA's the Sunday PM song and announcement is always set aside for the reading of the accounts report. At CA's, there are 4 pickups scheduled for each day. After it starts, (10:00) after lunch (1:45) Immediately after the end of the session and one after that. For each scheduled collection there are a group of brothers in the Accounts office who count out every penny. In fact, on the WTBTS form, there are columns for penny's, nickels, dimes.... all the way to ones, fives and hundreds and checks. After each collection, a deposit is made. There are 4 bank deposits filled out for each day. At the end of the day, two brothers go to the bank and deposit the funds in an overnight depository slot. On Saturday after the session, elders meet for their business meeting. The Assembly Overseer (a permanent appointment that comes from Brooklyn) and his assistant conducts the meeting. Prior to this meeting, a Society approved formula, which changes each year gives that particular assembly its numbers that it needs to hit. There are two accounts for each Assembly organization, one with a bank and one account that is kept in Brooklyn. These numbers are combined. The elders as representitives of all those attending the assembly (representative theorcracy?) are given a list of expenditure resolutions to approve. Occasionally, a grumpy elder will question the expenses, but most of the time they are just rubber stamped. Items on these resolutions include airfare for the traveling overseers and visiting speakers, donations to the Worldwide Work and other circuit related expenses. No receipts are ever offered, although I am sure they would be produced if demanded. I am also sure that any elder who dared ask for such receipts would be "marked". After all the resoultions are approved, the forms for accounting are given to the Accounts Overseer. On Sunday, after the lunchtime collection, the total amount collected to that point is tabulated, and an intermediate report is read, that basically says the total amount of resolutions approved by the elders and other expenses, followed by the total amount of money collected thus far. After the final two collections of Sunday are done, the Accounts Overseer fills out a report similar to the one the Accounts Servant in each congregation has. This is audited by someone designated by the CO, usually if there is an A & B side, the other Assembly Overseer or Accounts Overseer will audit the accounts. As far as accounting systems go, it is relatively simple.

  • WTWizard

    Regardless of how they create that deficit, I didn't do anything about it. And, I am not going to start doing anything to reduce their deficits.

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