Shambhala - a mythical kingdom that is supposed to be hidden in the Himalayers *north or west of Tibet*. Shambhala means tranquility/peacefulness/happiness and supposed to be a society made up of enlightened inhabitants.
The are three ideas of Shambhala - outer , inner and alternative meaning. The outer is an idea of Shambhala being a physical place, but only if you have the right kama/energy can you reach it and experience it.
The inner and alternative meanings refer to more subtle understandings of what Shambhala represents in terms of one's own body and mind (inner), and the meditation practice (alternative). These two types of symbolic explanations are generally passed on orally from teacher to student.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all reash Shambhala - a state of higher being, where religion doesn't come into the mix - we all realise we are all connected at some level and work for the best of our fellow man.
Has anyone been to Tibet? What were your experiences?