Well, I faced the music so to speak with dear old Mom last night. I'm giving up my eternal life! HA I've heard that the Big A is right around the corner since I was 5 yearsold. Like to scared the crap out of me when I was young. Them it finally got to the point of what the heck! That's the longest darn corner I've ever seen.I'm just trying to survive this change and at least live the last half of my life in some sort of peace. I'm tired of feeling scared shitless! Whoops! I'm sick of having to prove to everyone elsa that I'm a good person. You don't have to go to all those meetings to be a good person. All that matters to me right now is that my kids are happy and good adults and my grandchildren will not have to face what my poor kids did growing up as Witnesses. I'm going to enjoy their birthdays, which as far as I can see were very happy events and I can see no reason what so ever for not acknowledging it.
One thing that does bother me is the fact that my Mom is getting old and I don't like knowing that I've hurt her. She is really sincere in what she beleives and thinks I'm going to die.But i can't live my life anymore to please her.