What did you imagine life would be like in the New System?

by JH 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I believed that we would all be young and healthy again, and there would be no more wars, but I didn't expect much change cause products have to be made and people have to work to make whatever they consume.

    I imagined that we would be constantly watched incase we make the slightest error.

    Although living in paradise, it would be a constant combat, not against enemy forces but against our own desires and imperfection.

  • LtCmd.Lore

    When I was little, I used to hope that armaggeddon wouldn't come for a few more months, because the latest Mario game hadn't come out yet and I didn't want Nintendo to be destroyed before I got a chance to play it.

  • buffalosrfree

    It will be as exciting as a Theo Ministry School evening if what the witnesses preach happens to come to pass. I don't want to be there with that

  • Casper

    I always imagined it to be freedom from the fear of dying or losing loved ones in death (eventually, anway). I looked forward to the ressurections, I imagined them to be in reverse of funerals, everyone connected to the one coming back, awaiting their return together. One big happy celebration. Always made me cry to think of all the families reunited. I was hoping to attend as many as possible.

    No more financial worries. Lots of rewarding work to do... blah, blah....

    And yeah, the growing young and perfect .... So guess, they took away my "Fountain of Youth" too...


  • GentlyFeral

    Well, I imagined it would be pretty much as portrayed in all those happy shiny pictures, only with more tie dye and impromptu concerts and public libraries. I was also looking forward to making friends with all my favorite historical figures (wanted to get George Washington Carver and John Muir in the same room, for instance).

    And I assumed that eternal life and eternal good health would allow us to take up new professions like we take up new hobbies today. I was going to master organic farming, then weaving, then glassblowing, then a dozen or so musical instruments, while nibbling away at one foreign language after another. I figured that would occupy about 200 years.


    I imagined that we would be constantly watched incase me make the slightest error.

    Although living in paradise, it would be a constant combat, not against enemy forces but against our own desires and imperfection.

    Not me. Perfection was supposed to do away with all that, right? I assumed that our own, perfected ability to govern our own impulses would make any rule of law unnecessary. I was sure God would give us as big a spiritual jump-start as we required to make Paradise work.

    Hmmm - I was looking forward to an anarchist civilization and didn't even know it.

    Then the Pharisaism started in earnest, back in the eighties - this was long before I knew about Ray Franz, the Cabeens, or any of the other back-to-the-Bible protestors at Bethel - and the glow began to wear off.

    gently feral

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    I used to imagine it would be like the pardise pictures in the publications .The strange thing is when I was in the troof whenever I went in the park I used to get a panicky feeling which was unpleasent. It don't bother me now anymore since I gave up believing all that nonsense.

  • momzcrazy

    I don't know why, but I always thought that when the announcements of who would be resurrected it would be made over an intercom like in school. And that every cemetary would have bleachers set up so we could watch them coming back to life.

    I also pictured life alot like in Little House on the Prairie.


  • free2think

    I always wondered what you would do, like after a while, would you get bored.

  • shamus100

    Yeah, I agree. Boring.

    Remember, we'd all be 'perfect', so no more temptation.

    Really really boring.

  • jaguarbass

    I immagined simpler less complex times. Less technology. Like a tropical paradise. I thought we'd live in grass huts and play. Play with the animals, play with ourselves. I guess I was a kid when I was a witness.

    When 75 came and went I was 23 and I knew something was wrong with the house of cards built in the sand.

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