Are you happy with the name you were given at birth?

by Outaservice 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Outaservice

    The Bible attaches importance to your name. Do you like yours? If not, what would you like to change it to?

    I always hated mine! 'Outaservice Smith'. The kids all made fun of me in school. And it was hard to be 'in service' on Saturday morning.


  • anewme

    No, I think my parents could have given it a little more thought.
    I have always thought I would have enjoyed being called "Harmony"

  • shamus100

    No. I've always wanted to be called Heckubus.

    (I wonder if people take me seriously)

  • JK666

    No. I am a Junior, and even though my father has been dead for 24 years, still have to sign my legal name as a Jr suffix.


  • dinah

    Mine means "God is my judge" a feminine form of Daniel. Yeah, I like it.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    No. I am a Junior, and even though my father has been dead for 24 years, still have to sign my legal name as a Jr suffix.


    Would you have preferred if you could sign as "JK II" instead?

  • DJK

    No. I am a Junior, and even though my father has been dead for 24 years, still have to sign my legal name as a Jr suffix.


    I'm a Junior myself and I don't like it. I read a Dear Abby column where she said a man can legally drop the Junior after the father passes away. You can bet I'll be checking that out when the time comes!!!

  • Layla33

    I actually like my name, it is so entwined with who I am, I can't imagine not being called that. I do have a few nicknames that are derivatives of my given name, which I also like, as well.

    I guess if I had to choose a name for myself it would be Epiphany or Folakeh. I like them both.

  • dinah

    Like Epiphany Proudfoot from Angel Heart?

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    Not really, though it could be worse. Usually I see someone with my name and they are famous or at least rich. I got left behind it seems.

    -----------------I have always thought I would have enjoyed being called "Harmony"---------------

    I know a woman named Melody and her sister is named Rhapsody. I doubt either of them can actually sing though. Life can be cruel no?

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