Radio programme tonight, trying to get witnesing banned in Aust.

by Lehaa 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • ColdRedRain

    Banning a person from coming to your door uninvited should be legislated because you don't know if that person is a criminal or not. Few of these religions or organizations do background checks on their members.

  • DT

    It's worth remembering that Jehovah's Witnesses ask members with a known history of pedophilia to go from door to door. This is a good reason for the public to be concerned and for the government to do something to help enforce a householder's right to choose to not allow them to come to their door.

  • brinjen
  • Jim_TX
    "It would be better to start a drive to have people mail "Do Not Call" letters to their local kh's--no court cases, no bs--just no call."

    Logistically - this could be a nightmare. How many people know where the nearest 'local' KH is in their area? I mean... other than ex-jws. (We seem to know where they are - for some reason...)

    Even if one may know where a local KH is - what determines whether your home is in its' territory?

    What if there are two or more congregations that meet in the same KH?

    Which congregation do you send the notice to? (The average non-jw is not aware of the multiple-congregations-meeting-in-the-same-building concept)

    Even if notices are sent out - who says they will be honored?

    Should hey be sent 'registered mail'?

    Even if they are sent 'registered' and signed for - is the person who signed for the mail a responsible person - and will the letter be handled properly?

    The questions can go on and on...

    Like I said - logistically - it is a nightmare.

    What might be more appropriate - and may work... is some national registry - like is done for telemarketing solicitors. Although, I realize that there is a difference between the two.

    Perhaps another idea... for those folks that live in sub-divisions with home-owners' associations - or apartments - or whatever... bring it up at the next home-owners' meeting. Get them 'banned' from entering the entire sub-division - or apartment complex. Large signs at the entrance. This way - when they violate the posted signs - the local security can be called - and they can be escorted out.


    Jim TX

  • Jim_TX

    Okay... mention was made about a city here in the states - and their attempts to limit JW door-knockers.

    The city is Solon, Ohio. Here is what they put together...

    Hmmm... reading the first page... it appears that JWs are 'exempt'. This might be due to the city getting their hand-slapped by the Supreme Court a few years ago.

    "The only persons exempt from regulation under these ordinances are persons engaged in religious
    proselytizing or anonymous political speech. These are narrow exceptions; please contact the
    Solon Police Department for clarification before you assume that you are exempt.

    Per Ordinance 846.06, it is illegal to approach those residences that have clearly
    indicated that peddlers, canvassers, and solicitors are prohibited. Failure to abide by the City
    approved sticker, or any other similar notice will result in arrest and prosecution for a Fourth
    Degree Misdemeanor on the first offense."

    Perhaps Australia... or parts of Australia - could use this info in their attempts to limit door-knockers.


    Jim TX

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