I agree with WTWizard..
Can we all be a bit more pro-active in this one area? PLEASE READ...
by jambon1 20 Replies latest jw friends
Also we need to bear in mind, that these days when a witness makes their dedication vows, part of that vow is to work along with God's visable organisation. Therefore anyone who speaks out about anything that the borg teaches is in effect rebelling or going against them. So they feel they are within their rights to expel you and all that entails
When I tell JWs I'm an apostateā¢ they immediately go away and quit bothering me, so I find it very effective. It provides me with the desired result with a minimum of effort.
I think you have a very good point because JW's seem to shrink from the word "apostate "in horror, almost as if Satan himself had suddenly materialised! Its obviously the propaganda put out by the borg because they intend it to have this reaction on the r/f.
nice letter journey-on - i will probably use some of those points in talking w/ my own relatives...
Naw I love the term apostate and dont care to discuss religion with JWs (or anyone else) or convince them they are wrong, bla bla blah. Now I would have a philosophical discussion with them, but they arent going to do that are they?
Ya Im selfish with what I do in my precious remaining time. shoot me.
food for thought indeed.... it really does play into their mindset to use the jargon
Apostate by definition is a turning against former beliefs, which I think pretty much all of us have done. So yes I am an apostate - but where the witnesses go wrong is that they include in their definition that you have turned your back on Jehovah / God as well - THIS is untrue.
The term doesn't bother me - but if I know I can help another JW well then I'll word it differently.
The term apostate is used appropriately by the Witnesses.
Inkling's explanation was excellent, IMO.
Keep in mind that they are also encouraged to guard themselves from things like independent thinking and higher education.
Terms and expressions like follow your dreams, use your gifts, talented, awareness, find fulfillment, achievement, successful, pleasurable, live in the moment, life is short...enjoy it while you can, etc. are also distasteful to the Witness mind.
Control the language and you control thinking.
I'm taking back "Apostate!"