Gen 18:1-15 - who are the 3 visitors

by MOG 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • MOG

    Who were these 3 visitors to Abraham and Sarah?

    Its looks like one of them is GOD since the LORD talk to Abraham and Sarah was afraid thereafter for having doubt, but I do not want to take this in a literal sense. 2 of them seems to be angels..

    Help with the translation

  • snowbird

    Try reading the 18th and 19th chapters in The Message Bible:


  • R.Crusoe

    This is the chap who thought God needed to see blood poured out I take it? Of animals and even humans? Human sacrifice for LOVE? For me that alone loses my interest in any other minor detail!

    I just dont think the life giver has ever asked for that in the history of all mankind!

    And being true to my inner self I realise I never have believed that notion and so I've denied myself truth most of my life by following the truth others forced or persuaded me to!

    I ought to have rebelled and done what I felt as a child and maybe now I'd be asking myself the above question in realtime!

  • MOG


    The very 1st verse of the translation link you provided (thanks), sounds very trinitarian to me...Abrahams calls GOD "Master", then Lot calls them in the following story the 2 others MASTERS as well..this all too confusing..How can there be 3 masters?

    The two following verse confuse me because I am looking at in a literal sense...One says the same as the other (other in this sense being GOD)

    10 One of them said, "I'm coming back about this time next year. When I arrive, your wife Sarah will have a son." Sarah was listening at the tent opening, just behind the m

    13 -14 God said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh saying, 'Me? Have a baby? An old woman like me?' Is anything too hard for God ? I'll be back about this time next year and Sarah will have a baby."

  • snowbird

    If you google christophany or theophany, you may get a little bit more of an understanding of those verses.

    My take is that the more prominent visitor is the pre-Incarnate Jesus of Nazareth.

    The other two? Regular angels or messengers. Perhaps Gabriel and Michael?


  • JCanon

    Hi snowbird:

    My take is that the more prominent visitor is the pre-Incarnate Jesus of Nazareth.

    The other two? Regular angels or messengers. Perhaps Gabriel and Michael?


    Per JW, Michael and Jesus are the same person. Had you thought of that?

  • snowbird

    Per JW, Michael and Jesus are the same person. Had you thought of that?

    Hi JC.

    Yes, I know the WT et al teach that Michael and Jesus are one and the same.

    I respectfully disagree.


  • Narkissos

    Due to several literary developments the extant narrative is not entirely consistent -- in some parts of the story the three men seem to be addressed as Yhwh in the singular, but in other parts Yhwh clearly appears as one of them, the two others (angels according to 19:1,14) being sent to Sodom while he talks with Abraham (18:22ff). Maybe the extant story results from the conflation of (1) one story of Yhwh/an angel visiting Abraham and (2) another story of Yhwh sending two angels (as witnesses) to Sodom, requiring the introduction of the three characters right from the start and consequently making the story # 1 a little weirder than it originally was.


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