I just found out my 67 year old Elder/Dad has been there too, with his sister who used to live up that way. It is freaky-deaky weird/scary. Why the hey would Jesus pick a weirdo group that thinks pagan Egyptian pyramids (who used to enslave and torture Gods people) could give the answer to his second coming....pathetic...................oompa
So who here has seen Russels grave? Weird huh?
by oompa 41 Replies latest jw friends
You can really see the pyramid monument to him clearly on Google Earth.
That was one of the first things that shocked me into doing research on the WT. I saw a picture of Russell's grave and it did my head in at first.
Sometime in the early 70s I saw Russel's grave, and you're right, it's "weird." Some from the break-away Bible Students group used to change his photo that's under a little glass on the side of the pyramid tombstone. I don't know if they still do it anymore, but the group is still around and goes by another name (can't remember it now).
JAVA: (funny I am at port city java right now) : Sometime in the early 70s I saw Russel's grave, and you're right, it's "weird." Some from the break-away Bible Students group used to change his photo that's under a little glass on the side of the pyramid tombstone. I don't know if they still do it anymore, but the group is still around and goes by another name (can't remember it now).
When I saw it in 1980 with my great aunt, there was 13 inches of snow on the ground, newer picture, an fresh Roses in place. The church nearby down a side street was "Jehovah Christian Witnesses"....I walked by in in service....think I am gonna puke.................oompa
I think the group that looks after Russel's grave is called Berean. I've met some of them years ago at a ex-JW conference. They seem very sincere, and still use some of Russel's writings. They also have some summer camp meetings where family and friends get together.
oompy.....the last thing he needs on his grave is a rose....remember the trouble a rose caused between him and his wife
It is even more amazing that JW 2nd 3rd and more generation families keep all this knowledge away from newbies and effectively deceive their very souls - the ones they reject if later the individual asks questions about it!
I wondered what some ex JWs meant when they called JW higher ups lying snakes and now it is crystal clear to me!
I recall as a newbie some faded JWs occasionally coming to see an elder I was studying with who visibly were in tatters with their life!
They were in a state I can now relate to! And at the time noone would explain it - ever! Just smiles and nudges and whispers!
I'm amazed this elder had the dimness of intellect to keep spouting to the likes of others after witnessing the effects of his previous schpiel on converts!
Maybe I was his next lab rat? His next trial and error with his preaching method?
He had no clue at all what it feels like to be in the mess he enticed people into since all his family were JWs and JW community was a family experience for him to take refuge in - unlike those he isolated first from their own roots and later from JW ones!
And I recall how he most definitely kept quiet about a lot of stuff when I look back at questions we covered! Stuff a TRUE FRIEND would warn you about!
Each individual is working a realtime trial and error on others lives to see which methods get converts and then which successfully keep them. It's one ongoing experiment in the big JW laboratory of human soul engineering to see what mutations they come up with!
Amber Rose
The weird thing about Russel's grave is that people can't put it together and realize that it is weird. I live less than an hour away from his grave so, all the JW's around here take thier visiting friends to see it so that they will be soooo impressed. But I never knew that it existed until somebody told me that they took their girlfriend to see it. And that it was a pyramid. I thought that was totally weird and the guy I was talking to was like, "Why's that weird?"
The thing that is weird is that the founder of such a faith as JWs should have a lasting monumant to the Egyptians placed over him when JWs currently prefer to overlook the significance of it!
Maybe he thought Jesus coming would make it easier to spot where he lay ?
JWs are full of secrets and still claiming Jesus was using them alone all the time!
All the secrets Jesus obviously got wrong!