* What would be the impact of no more carnivorous (Isaiah 65) ? I mean, imagine a world where you don't have any ecosystem with carnivorous and only strict herbivorous. Impact on the nature and risk of overpopulation. Do we have any figures on this subject ?
Obviously, the Bible does not speak of Adam and Eve having sex. So, they didn't have sex. At least not until after the Fall. Having kids was a punishment! It's not that after the Fall childbirth would become painful - it was, After the Fall you're gonna have kids! Oh, and BTW it's gonna HURT!
So, after Armageddon, there will be no sex and there will be no childbirth. The ecosystem becomes fixed, no animals breed, no animals kill, no animals die. Fluffy will be with you forever!
To be worked out: how Adam and Eve's sin infected the other animals with this bloodlust and procreation thing. But don't speculate. It's a waste of time to speculate on minor details.
* What would be the total population of 3 000 000 couples rescued of Armaguedon giving one baby every year ( boys/girls 50/50) giving also 1 500 000 new couples at 20 years (age of wedding). The new couples giving also one baby every year. What's the population after 50 years, 100, 500, 1000 years ? (no contraceptive of course)
With no death, no birth, no sex, no marriage (at least for the resurrected), obviously God's plan is that there will be NO AGING. If you're 15 at Armageddon, you will be forever 15. If you're an infant, you can look forward to an eternity of being cared for, suckled and changed, by your parents.
And the parents can look forward to an eternity of suckling and changing.
That is why Paul said Woe to those with young'uns, because they'll be stuck in a perfect unbreakable matrix of what they are when Armageddon comes.
* The doubt is a sin in the Bible (Genesis 3). What would be our mind without doubt ? Could we have again curiosity ?
No, no curiosity. All things will be answered at Armageddon. No wondering, no doubt, no needs, just sit back and contemplate God's mighty hand. Kinda like being in heaven, but with fewer harps.