You never know maybe something you said triggered a seed of doubt. Good job.
A Jehovahs Witness just called on my door
by mouthy 46 Replies latest jw friends
MARVELLOUS! I hope you have made him think! You certainly covered a lot! Hopefully he has put you down as a Return Visit, lol
You go, girl! Hope some seeds you planted take root.
Very nice expreience. You planted a seed and it may bloom many years from now.
Good job.
ah granny grace - you really are a kind soul - I hope something you said touched his heart! I really do.
You know, as you were telling your story, I was thinking what a very fine seed you planted. I have a lot of confidence it will bear fruit, because he stayed to hear you out.
As you told your story, I thought of the ten converts you brought in to the society. I can't help thinking you've planted the seed today to take that ten back, ten times more.
Princess Daisy Boo
Way to go Gran!!! I am in a bit of a sceptical mood today so I am not quite as hopeful as all the others - perhaps you planted a seed of doubt but in all likelihood he walked away and thought "what a poor sad lady - she wont survive armageddon".
Not Feeling It
wow I am so impressed by how you handled this. I wonder, did the angels send him to you or you to him! ;-D SO many I've seen here have such venom and vitriol when facing those still in. in some cases its justified given the way they've been treated but constant anger can consume you. again thanks for providing such a mature logical example !
Tatiana---I am your Granny, Now that was MY picture BUT NOT my bike?
John Thanks I think so.
Hope4.Mrs Smith,Tara,NewYork,Loubelle,(((HUGS))) Thanks
Midwich I doubt I am a return visit
jgnat- I pray your right.
Princess your probably right I would have said that when I was a faithful follower.
Not feelingit. Thats a nice thing to say
Thank you all -
Most in all the places I lived before that they were warned against me. They told a couple I was the QUEEN APOSTATE. of Canada LOL .
Dearest Grace----my hat is off to the Queen!
You certainly gave him a lot to "ponder", and it would be hard to imagine that he will soon forget his chat with you! I am so glad that he was sent to your house!
love & hugs,