i was when i had an affair , but this elders pioneer daughter told me she understood why i had done it , i was feeling dreadfull and so guilt ridden but he said i should through myself at my hubs feet and beg forgiveness from him and had i lived 2000 years ago i would have been stoned to death ! the strange thing is a few years later this elder told me he had feelings for me , but he was married and old enough to be my dad , although i liked him as a person by then and had forgotten what he had said to me about being stoned to death, i was a bit annoyed that he told me not to tell anyone ,and yet was telling other people to tattle tale on others , i know he felt really bad about his feelings though and i did feel sorry for him , but asked him not to visit anymore as it made me feel guilty towards his wife , maybe it was gods way of getting him to see things from a wrong doers point of view ,as he had a reputation for being very harsh on wrong doers (like myself) maybe he makes a better elder nowadays after that insight , or maybe they think i was sent by satan to seduce a pioneer and an elder !(i was not a baptised jw , just a study )
was anyone ever told they would have been stoned to death by an elder?
by looloo 26 Replies latest jw experiences
during my first two disfellowshipping I was told that I would have been stoned to death if I had lived in biblical times by the elder in charge. the first time, it made me incredibly sad, the second time, it made me mad. he also told me not to even bother praying as Jehovah doesn't listen to prayers of disfellowshipped sinners. I didn't either...even though I knew he was full of shit.
This is yet another shining example of these so called god appointed 'elders' treating the flock in horendous ways.
How dare they tell people.,.... 'women' they would have been stoned to death?
We're not 2000 years ago are we? they can't touch you, and the only power they actually have is the power that we 'allowed' them to have over us because we were brain washed. Thank goodness for the internet and the wonderfull support networks (JWD) on it.
Sorry, just venting coz this made me so mad!
When I was about 11 years old, my mother told me I was lucky we didn't live in Biblical times because if I ever quit the Witness group she would help murder me by stoning and she'd throw the first stone.
Makes me all warm and fuzzy to think about being raised by Witness parents.
We didn't have elders when I was a Witness except at the very end. The congregations were called "companies" and were directed by Society appointed committees. The leader was called "company servant".
The companies were very business like with sales figures posted in big letters on wall charts. The focus was all on literature sales and recruiting new literature sales people. God owned a United States book printing business and my parents bought into that crap and drug me along without a choice because they believed God would murder me if I didn't sell literature door to door with them. -
I can still remember a CO giving a talk in the early 90s from Holt MI. He had a bag on stage with him, he was talking about DFed relitives and how they should be viewed by the mind numb.
As he said if this world was run by god [then he stuck his hand in the bag] This is how you would have to talk to these people! and he pulled out a human [prob. fake] skull and thrust it into the air.
He said these people would have been put to death and you would have to talk to a tomb stone if you wanted to vist with them.
Most Dubbers I know think every one but them self need to follow the rules.
Ah the old testament. Those were the days. You could stone to death disobedient children rather than a "time out".
The elders never said that to me, but I know others (mostly women) who have been told that
I committed fornication and I would have been if I lived back under the Mosiac law... Unfortunately, those a**holes didn't even know there own bibles cause that wasn't not the consequences of having sex b-4 you got married... F'ing morons, I really think I should track him down and get him on apostasy... lol
mind my own
No, I actually haven't heard of this before!! How awful it would be to hear this. I thought this was supposed to be a loving organization? Total BS. I can just see it though, people think they are privledged to be a part of this org. so that take this as "loving councel" and work really hard to be back in Jeh's favour. Please, what a joke!
Did you point out to him that if you had been male you would not be stoned? In fact, you would be without blame?
Yeah, I heard it from my authority figures growing up, not a very nice thing to hear as a kid. Until it occured to me one day that if we lived in bible times then maybe my parents would have been stoned before they even grew up. I never had the courage to ask them if they had ever done anything stone worthy when they were a kid.
In the 1960's I think, the society wrote an article expressing there disapointment that they could not stone all the unworthies, just like bible times. I'm sure someone on the board knows wheres it's at.