Obves / JCannon =Are they the Anti-Christ??
by Witness 007 58 Replies latest watchtower bible
Always two there are...no more no less, a master and an apprentice.
Witness 007
Just wondering how JCannon and Obves go about thier daily lives.
JCannon walks into a supermarket and buys bread and milk.......Supermarket girl "Okay Sir that's $3.40 thanks."
{JCannon} "So according to the chapter in Daniel the 587 B.C.E prophecy if you times that with the length of years Jesus lived by the lifespan of Moses....minus the years Judas was in the ministry. Counting 50 Jubilee's of weeks and months...a day for a year, till the year 2012..................I owe you $3.40??"
Supermarket girl =
JCanon [his name = "Jesus Christ Anonymous"] is an interesting character indeed. Even though he has been posting on this board for five or more years, I still do not know what to make of him. He's obviously of average - or even above average - intelligence. He also displays wit and an understanding of irony. He can take a joke, even if the joke's on him. I have no training in psychology, so I am in no position to "diagnose" him. He may be a delusional paranoic, or he may be a supreme, merry prankster a sort of jester who posts on this board for the fun and sport of it. Maybe he posts simply in order to "yank our chains" as the colloquial American expression goes. I would be curious to know what he does for a day job. I would also like to know if he takes seriously any of the stuff that he posts;my guess would be that he does not.
Witness 007
Repunzel = No one would put in SO MUCH effort to "Pull our chain." The guy types for hours on his computer.....also I think he has many alias's............Obves and Jcannon are they the same person??????? They sound like the same person. I think when he posts here, I will throw a net over him and take him in!
They sound like the same person.
They're not. The styles are very different. JCanon is interactive. OBVES just spits up numbers. Same kind of crazy, just different flavors. It think the WT leaves some of us braindamaged.
Witness 007
Yeah "Burn" too many bible calculations that's what made Fred Franz go senile in the end.....but saying your the Messiah or Lazarus is a common form of mental illness. I've met people like this. He doesn't realize that they average person can't understand what he's saying.
As a fellow African-American, I understand from where JCanon is coming. His writing syle, his biting wit, his self-effacement, all indicate a superior intelligence that was no doubt suppressed by the dictates of the WTS. Other than his penchant for flamboyance, I'll bet he's quite witty and engaging.
As I read his posts, I'm reminded of Langston Hughes' question, "what happens to a dream deferred?" - also, the slogan of the UNCCF, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." How many bright minds went to waste because of the WTS? I shudder to think of their judgment!
Obves now is an entirely different kettle of fish. He very seldom interacts with anyone else on the board. I picture him as a detached loner who finds most people a distracting annoyance.
Of course, that is only my humble assessment.
Witness 007
Thanks Snowbird. I was thinking he is a bit of a loner, rarely commenting on other posts...very interesting viewpoint.
I have to admit I've grown a bit of a soft spot for JCanon, he's quite an engaging conversationalist (all things considered ), he also has an amazing sense of humour.