When is the Memorial?

by lavendar 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • lavendar

    I'm asking because:

    #1) I don't know when the Memorial is ...... and #2) I'm planning on having a family get-together dinner at the end of this month, but I don't want to choose the evening of the Memorial; because our two JW relatives wouldn't be able to attend our dinner on that day. I know they'll be going to the Memorial.

    Thanks for letting me know the date! Appreciate it!


  • jamiebowers

    According to Jehovah's Witnesses Online it is Saturday, March 22.

  • babygirl75

    My mom always accuses me of not listening....

    She called me the other night and told me the date; March 19, 20, 21,22.....I don't know, I was really paying attention...

  • nomoreguilt

    The 22nd, HUH? Hmmm, maybe not. NOPE! That's one of my bowling league nights. Do they have a MAKE UP night for the WHINE and cracker league?

    I haven't been to that crap in 4 years and I have WAAAAAY to much going on in my life to change back now. There are alternatives to being a witless. Be WORLDLY and make GOOD freinds.

    My take.


  • Kinjiro

    Sometimes I perceive that although the vast majority of us are ex JW, we still cling to some of the stuff, like it was embedded in our brains and genes... We still feel guilty saying out loud we dont want to have anything to do with the WTBS... I loved the post above... thats freedom speaking my friend!

    As for me, I dont follow the date anymore... my parents used to invite me, until they realized I had no interest whatsover in any religion... There are so many proven facts, scientific, arquelogic etc etc that show that the 'textbook' is as flawed as any other book written by men... As I have said before, Jesus and his teachings are very nice... same with Ghandi... I like Jesus very much, its christian I dont like...

    But if the need to worship is so big that something must be done, go to a beautiful place near your home... meditate on whatever that is you want to worship... leave the rituals of death and celebrate life and creation and all the beautiful things in it... after all I cannot believe that whoever created (or designed) the sun, the life cycles, the oceans, the birds, the fish, a human body!, he( or she for that matter) who created the laughter of children that lightens the heart of anyone with music like crystal bells, who gave humans inspiration to create musical instruments and brains to discover how to save lives, all that is nice and natural, I honestly do not believe cares too much for crackers and wine and dark, dank places full of hypocresy, double standards etc etc... as if with ritual all the ugly stuff religion has done for humanity (which outweighs the good) can be un-done...

    Just a thought... be free all.. be truly free... I am at peace and I wish you all the same...

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    22nd March

  • lavendar

    It's so sad that the JWs commemorate Jesus's DEATH......but true Christians commemorate or celebrate His LIFE and RESURRECTION.

  • freydi

    Nisan 14 is April 19th Passover that begins after sundown the 18th. Dubs and the rest of Christendom are having their Easter organizational memorial in 2 weeks. http://dafyomi.shemayisrael.co.il/calendars/cal12-nazir.htm

    "Scriptures do specifically mention the waving of the firstfruits in connection with the Passover ceremony. This tie-in is actually the only direct Scriptural basis for confirming the season of the year because the spring equinox is not referenced. To ignore the tie-in with the first grain harvest would seem to do violence to the original requirement, which becomes significant as a type of Christ’s resurrection on Nisan 16 in 33 A.D. Its omission might seem to seriously undermine the Scriptural support for the timing of the Passover celebration." http://www.heraldmag.org/2005/05ma_10.htm

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    what do they do with the wine and bread if members are not allowed to receive it?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    But if the need to worship is so big that something must be done, go to a beautiful place near your home... meditate on whatever that is you want to worship... leave the rituals of death and celebrate life and creation and all the beautiful things in it... after all I cannot believe that whoever created (or designed) the sun, the life cycles, the oceans, the birds, the fish, a human body!, he( or she for that matter) who created the laughter of children that lightens the heart of anyone with music like crystal bells, who gave humans inspiration to create musical instruments and brains to discover how to save lives, all that is nice and natural, I honestly do not believe cares too much for crackers and wine and dark, dank places full of hypocresy, double standards etc etc... as if with ritual all the ugly stuff religion has done for humanity (which outweighs the good) can be un-done...

    Well stated. I was just pondering this past week that my 'church' has become the 'church of nature' mostly now. I look at all the beauty in that cathedral, all the hope there, and I have little need [at least at this point in my post-JW life] to pursue a man-made church and it's dogma.


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