actually it was one of minimus's final talks that made me leave once and for all
Issues That Made You ANGRY While You Were A Jehovah's Witness
by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends
MsB, do you care to elaborate????
The bulk of my anger was directed at myself - for tolerating their shit for 7 years before I finally started standing up to the elders when they counseled me. I was never counseled for doing anything unscriptural, but usually for something stupid like having a moustache or a bright tie. I eventually brought that crap to an end by handing an elder a bible and telling him to either back up his statements from the bible or shut the hell up. I had to do that only once in each of the first 2 halls I was in. In my 3rd and final hall, they counseled me for taking courses, and even mentioned it at the book study which was conducted in my home. I responded by kicking the BS out. I left the cult a few months later.
A single CO over ruling a BOE of 9 members
Its not your fault, you were just doing your job at the time, giving instruction from the podium... but the talk you gave made me so angry I was seeing red. It was the same ole CHIT... I finally left and said I will never come back to the BKH again and haven't been back since.
What was the talk about?? This is quite interesting to me.
Toward the end of my times as an elder, I followed through on the Watchtower party line but often thought otherwise. At the very end I used to cancel my outgoing talks even though I was regularly requested.
So please elaborate.
It was so long ago, I don't remember details really but it had to do with forgiveness, not being stumbled by our brothers and forgiving them... All I could think of was "WHAT??? what about saying SORRY ever?... Really I was so glazed over with anger...that I was focusing on hearing the SORRY part that never came.
I gave a lot of talks on being forgiving for a reason. I thought the Organization and many elders were unforgiving. The whole group of Witnesses and their mindset is unforgiving. Everything is about expecting perfection and that will never happen.
Regarding forgivness and saying I'm sorry, I'm sorry if I upset you but if it helped you successfully get out, I'm happy!
Two things bothered me, & they were all from the "flock:
It angered me when I saw Mums trying hard to get the babies asleep & then when they had JUst got them off.................. a speaker would end his "sermon"& the "flock" would clap & wake all the babies up
The other was when my daughters hubby was disfellowshipped for adultery, All the" Friends"would have get togethers NEVER invite her.... So in fact it seemed like she was the ousted one...
As for the "elders"!!!!! I find it hard living what I did as a JW to my kids & the 10 people I "pressed into service" You guys must feel worse. than I ...Especially if you dont believe in God now.... At least I NOW believe Romans 8:1....... -
It wasn't you Minimus that upset me, it was the material and that I was at the breaking point... actually any subject would of set me off, toward the end for me everything and everybody upset me. I had my fill and was so done with it. 35 years was about all I could handle of that religion. Unfortunately its still lingering because of family but thats a problem alot of us have.