Posting stuff on the internet when I should be doing other things.
What Craft Or Hobby Keeps YOU busy?
by Sunspot 36 Replies latest jw friends
these usually get eaten by the slugs before I get to grow them big enough for me
A small plate or cup sunk to soil level filled with stale beer. The little buggers can't resist getting drunk and drowning.
What Craft Or Hobby Keeps YOU busy?
My hobby, and craft, is beer brewing.
Barbie Doll
I am busy most of the time, when I have time, I paint, sew and work out doors on the flowers.
The rest of the time I am on the computer.
Sad emo
A small plate or cup sunk to soil level filled with stale beer. The little buggers can't resist getting drunk and drowning.
I know about that trick too DJK - at least they die happy too eh lol! trouble is, I can't stand clearing out all the dead bodies
A keen gardener friend puts a band of copper wire round his plants - apparently, the slugs get an electric shock from it. I'll still try my carpet collars this year and see what happens.
Soooo.....what crafts, hobbies or artwork keeps YOU busy.....and what are you working on at the moment? Care to share?
Let's hear about YOUR creative side
I record music. I have some of my songs on my myspace and I am trying to finish up a full cd to sell on various places on the internet. And I plan to sell it at live performances. I have been working on it for a year. The material was all done and recorded in about 2 weeks while I was on vacation. But now I keep going over and tweaking and changing things. I originally recorded it on a yamaha 16 track digital recorder. During the course of the year I got a new computer dedicated to protools so I have rerecorded it on protools, which I think has 32 tracks. I have never used more than 12 tracks on any song so far. On this project I play all the instruments. When I finish it, I will probably record another cd and market it with a band.
Till January of this year I played in a southern rock band called High Tides, here in Tampa bay. I have played with them off and on for the past 10 years. The singer and guitarist/leader/ manager decided to take a break in January. So I have been sitting home on the weekend working on my cd. When I finish my cd. I will call High Tides and see if they want to play. If not, I have worked with several other groups and I will probably start a band or hook up with some of the people I have previously worked with. Or I might just perform solo.
I used to draw and paint pictures but I am trying to focus on my music at the moment.
Low-Key Lysmith
Using a fly rod to remove salmon, trout, & steelhead from the local rivers. (I put the wild ones back, however, a hatchery fish is doomed to be fare for my smoker.)
Besides music, when I was younger I used to play organize softball on different teams. I would play pick up football, volley ball, and hockey.
I used to spend a lot of time riding motorcycles. Dirt and street.
I love to read, and I work as a detention officer on the midnight shift. I generally get to read 45 minutes out of the hour. So I average about a book a week. I read anything that catches my interest. Right now I am reading "A walk across America" by Peter Jenkins. I prefer true stories and experiences even if they are embellished verses straight fiction. But I read just about anything.
I try to go to the gym an hour everyday 6 days a week. Some might call that a hobby. I try to enjoy it and listen to music on my I-pod. I found out when I was in my 30's that I had to have daily strenuous exercise to burn off the tension to keep my weight in check and to keep my blood pressure down. While I was still trapped in the tower I went through a period where I thought I was having a heart attack and heart problems it lasted for months. After a lot of doctors and hospital visits, I got the message that I had to much stress in my life. And exercise and diet was the way to deal with it. So I've been going to the gym regularly since about 1978.
My obsession for health reasons with going to the gym, is why I think it is taking me so long to finish my music project. But I have to do certain things or my train will fall off the track.
From the days of Ronald Reagan till the end of Bill Clintons presidency and especially during the last 4 years of Clintons regime. I spent a lot of time, several hours a day studying and playing the stock market. I learned a system ,that at the time given the robust market, I made more money in 1999 on my investments than I do today working full time. But the market that I knew and the methodologies to extract money from it all died when George W. Bush stole the presidency. They say a raising tide lifts all boats and from the time of Reagan till the end of Clintons presidency the dow averaged 15% a year.
Since Bush has been in office the market has gone sideways. I dont know how or have the heart to play a sideways market. To me that would be too much like gambling with my hard earned money.
Also I spend a lot of tme on the computer, but I dont watch tv. If I have 45 minutes or an hour I come on the computer, because I cant fire up my music studio and get anything done in 45 minutes to an hour.
When I go into my music studio to make music hours can dissappear like they were minutes