Awesome book! I've just converted it to PDF format. you can download it here:
The Atheist's Book of Bible Stories
by RunningMan 65 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thank you, Jafo.
Thanks, Running Man! Just downloaded it. I'm becoming more like my grandfather every day. That bastard sent me subscriptions to science magazines when I was a kid, trying to convert me to believing in evolution. How dare him! LOL
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179 downloads of the PDF version and counting..
Download here:
Runningman - This was one the first things I downloaded after leaving the JW's it helped me to come to the "No God" conclusion.
I often use the arguments you use on believers and love to watch them squirm.
So to you, my virtual friend, who I don't know, and probably will never meet - Thank YOU!!!
uhhhh let repeat again what others are asking.... where can i get cuz the link is not working :-)
Black Sheep
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The Atheist's Book of Bible Stories is now permanently hosted at JWFILES in the Text Files category.