We were always told that Hitler lost the war because of putting brothers in the Concentration camp. Yes, Jehovah "arranged" the whole thing. Same with the Soviet Union. If you persecute Witnesses, Jehovah arranges the nations to do his bidding, and destroys you...I always thought the Nazi's lost because the "world" pulled together to destroy that evil empire on D-day.
Witness Propaganda= Hitler lost the War = He persecuted the Witnesses!!
by Witness 007 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
drew sagan
Yes, the allied forces had nothing to do with it ;)
When you are so committed to an ideology like the JWs are you will invent narratives that support your world view. It doesn't matter if they are nonsense and have no substance. This is why so many urban legends sprout up in the Watchtower. People within that system are ready to believe anything that supports their view. -
He lost because a tiny little damp island called Britain said NO! Not here hitler!
And the rest is history- not JW history!!
So if Hitler supported the Witnesses, I wonder if he would have won?
Witness 007
We were told that Hitlers assault on the Soviet Union was stopped by the worst winter in a long time {True but Jehovah power???}...what about the tough Soviet Army!!!!!.....and that Jehovah let the Soviets put brothers in the Gulag camps to spread the word around Russia.......too bad for those who starved to death.
Weren't Canada & Australia also officially persecuting the JWs at the same time? (Granted, not to the same extent)
Hasn't China been "persecuting" JWs (i.e., the work is banned & some missionaries were imprisoned) for decades?
Ditto for the primarily Muslim countries?
The JW's sent divine warning to Hitler -- see the second paragraph in the box below.
October 7, 1934, all congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany assembled to hear a letter read that was being sent to the officials of the Hitler government. It said: “There is a direct conflict between your law and God’s law . . . Therefore this is to advise you that at any cost we will obey God’s commandments, will meet together for the study of His Word, and will worship and serve Him as He has commanded.”
On the same day, Jehovah’s Witnesses in 49 other countries met in special assembly and sent the following telegram to Hitler: “Your ill-treatment of Jehovah’s witnesses shocks all good people of earth and dishonors God’s name. Refrain from further persecuting Jehovah’s witnesses; otherwise God will destroy you and your national party.” - Awake! 8/22/95So if Hitler had listened, obviously he would have won the war !!
edmond dantes
There's a term for it ,an expression, it's called delusions of grandeur.
Actualy it's a psycotic illness unfortanately the Jdubs have it in spades.
Another point to make about the same current JWs leaders' myth is that they
claim their position of political neutrality protected their followers.
Actually, while Hitler was acting forcibly against political dissent, JWs didn't
get sent to camps and killed till after Rutherford threatened Hitler that he'd
send unarmed JWs, critical of Hitler, into German streets. Rutherford had too
exclusivist a prophet-playing act to have them work with others against Hitler
with a low profile. Rutherford's position of safe distance in a San Diego man-
sion protected him, though.Nov.1, 1934 "Some will say: 'If in the face of so much persecution and oppo-
sition we continue to go out amongst the people and publicly tell these truths,
then I fear we may be killed.' That is true; and probably many of the faithful
will be killed because they continue to faithfully proclaim the truth which they
have learned in the secret place of the Most High." ("The Watchtower," Nov.1,
1934, p.328)Jan.9, 1935 The first documented case of a JW incarcerated in Moringen con-
centration camp was Anna Seifert.
http://www.edition-temmen.com/timetable/ -
I figured it had to do with opening a second front in Russia... not taking a death blow to England whist she was on the ropes and a little something about running out of gasoline.
Those pesky Americans, Brits and Canadians on the beach must have been a non-issue too.