I will steal a line from my father. I am not prejudice - I hate everyone.
I don't really hate everyone. But my like or dislike has nothing to do with who a person is attracted to.
by Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit 38 Replies latest jw friends
I will steal a line from my father. I am not prejudice - I hate everyone.
I don't really hate everyone. But my like or dislike has nothing to do with who a person is attracted to.
Oral sex is a fine art. So, ... wait a minute, my experience is limited. But, conceivably, so do many straight and bisexual people.
From Disney's Beauty and the Beast: "We fear what we do not understand."
Ghandi: If you hate someone, live with them.
Gay people are like everyone else, a mixture of cool, middling and tossers.
Hillbilly said:
What puts us angry white men off about gays is the freak parade that the media wants to front as the Gay image. Heteros dont make that kind of statement about our lifestyle and those extremists that get all the attention on Gay Pride day sort of scare the un-initiated.
I beg to differ, every day the hetero lifestyle is waved in our face. You need to look at advertsing, sitcoms and movies a little more closely. Gay Pride marches are a response of a minority and previously suppressed group in response to this. The marches didn't start as celebrations, they started as protest and in many countries still are. You just need to look at the events that took place in Russia last year.
While not being a Pride attending gay man I appreciate that these marches contributed to the relative freedoms I enjoy today.
LOL, this is so funny to me as I just got off of the bus with this crackhead guy ranting about faggots and stuff and had me dying rolling.
The question is not if you like gay people, but if i like you....
And i do. I like most of you, some of you can die in a fire.
And by fire, I mean the flames of all those flaming homosexuals you are talking about.
I beg to differ, every day the hetero lifestyle is waved in our face. You need to look at advertsing, sitcoms and movies a little more closely. Gay Pride marches are a response of a minority and previously suppressed group in response to this. The marches didn't start as celebrations, they started as protest and in many countries still are. You just need to look at the events that took place in Russia last year.
While not being a Pride attending gay man I appreciate that these marches contributed to the relative freedoms I enjoy today.
After a few hundred more years of social evolution I figure some other minority will do the same things to push their agendas. Media pitches to the majority... and hetros are the majority.
Aside, while we are on the Jesse Jackson Rainbow parade... why do I only see ads with black folks ... that use black culture when I watch BET on cable? Like I said... I dont care what you do... and if you really think the freak parades move your agenda ahead ...thats your right.
I'd think the positive contributions of gays in arts, science, and such would sway a angry white man like me. to tolerance .. cause they have.
littlerockguy: GAY PEOPLE SUCK!!!!!
Why yes we do and for my part I am proud to say that I do it very well.
I'd agree that there are some people I like and others I don't and it has nothing to do with orientation. There are straight and gay guys I drool over just as there are straight and gay guys that make me shudder in horror. It's all about personality and I have to say that generally I have more straight friends than gay ones.
I will steal a line from my father. I am not prejudice - I hate everyone.
I thought Andy Rooney or Henny Youngman said that.
I like all people regardless of race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation and I dislike people regardless of race, ethnicity or sexual orientation. I have no right to judge someone by whom they happen to love or whom they want to cuddle with late in the night. Love is hard enough for one person, I don't need to try to figure out what someone else is doing.
I have yet to hear an educated reasonable reason to mistreat or dislike someone who happens to be attracted and involved with the same sex. It makes absolutely no sense. I am so happy I am free from that judgmental nonsense. Live and love how you want and I will treat the same as anyone. With decency and respect.
I remember when I was a teenager, not quite 18 yet, and I had just given my first B.J. to a friend of mine. I recall my mother making some off hand comment about the things that "gay" people do. As far as I know she had no idea about what I was doing. I agreed with her. I didn't know what "gay" people did either.
A few years ago when I lived in the States, I always got my hair cut by this particular man who was gay and Christian. He's a really nice fellow, and I should give him a call (makes mental note). We would often go out to eat after my haircut. A female couple came in on one occasion I was there. After they had left, he remarked that they were indeed a couple, but they were Christian and "didn't do anything." I thought that was interesting.
Flaming gay guys are fun to be with. I would like to get to know one now that I'm really out of the org. Except for the very occasional and secretive bit of fun, I held myself back for so many years because of a stupid religion.