Warning..........Windows Live Messenger Virus!

by ButtLight 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • ButtLight

    I didnt see anyone post this, if so, sorry for the repeat!

    My computer is infected, with a virus that was sent through windows live messenger. The file came up as a zip file that makes you think its a picture sent to you by someone in your friends list.

    If you click it, your infected, and your messenger will freeze, or close every few min. It will then send the same thing to everyone in YOUR friends list! (so dont click any zip files or links)

    It attached itself not only to six different files on my computer, but three different ones in the registry, and one so far by itself in my files.

    I have norton, but I think the virus was able to stop the scan after about 4 minutes of scanning, with an error message!

    Two of them are called are windll32, and adware.exe. It also affects svc.exe in windows system 32. That file ended up getting deleted from another antivirus program I downloaded, so now I get error messages for that too!

    Anyone else have these problems? Anyone have any suggestions? I have ad-aware, avast!, and norton, and none of them seem to fix the entire problem.


    Edit to add, after doing a search, it seems there are tons of people infected with it!

  • free2think

    Thanks for the warning Butt. Sorry it got into your comp.

  • G Money
    G Money

    I've had the virus sent to me but I've refused the file. I became suspicious when people that speak no English were messaging me in English to view a file.

  • ButtLight

    free2think, your welcome!

    I've had the virus sent to me but I've refused the file. I became suspicious when people that speak no English were messaging me in English to view a file.

    Unfortunately, for me, my 13 year old was chatting with a friend who had the virus, and he thought she was sending him a pic, and clicked it! I was chatting with JH earlier, and it tried sending it to him everytime I froze, and had to reboot msn messenger! (he knew I wouldnt send him a zip file, so he didnt click it!)

  • AlphaOmega

    Have you tried Avira AntiVir - it's free and a great virus scanner.

    You could also boot from a boot CD and delete the files manually, then run Windows "System File Checker" to replace the missing files.

    Maybe ?

  • ButtLight
    Have you tried Avira AntiVir - it's free and a great virus scanner.

    That was going to be my next step. Reading a few blogs, one guy had the same virus, and he has antivir, but it didnt fix it. Another guy said avast! fixed his, so I tried that, but it only deleted 6 things, not all of them.

    My norton is going now, since I have deleted what I did, and picked up 2 things.......I'm typing with crossed fingers!

  • ButtLight

    By the way, does anyone want to add me as a friend to their MSN messenger?

  • JH

    file "PIC03.JPG.zip"

  • JH

    This is the messenger virus buttlight was sending me earlier on wndows live messenger

    It's a zip file, and if you open it or save it, you're infected

    Buttlight didn not write the bottom sentence where its written, "this picture looks really a lot like you"

    This was written so that I accept the file, and then get infected.

    Usually it's written right before the zip file.....


  • JH

    This time it sent a LINK with my hotmail address. I didn't click on it !!!


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