I agree with all of the comments. It is so nice to have a place where we can talk about
our life, family, religion, and problems without the fear of being being turned into the
elders or being tagged as an apostate.
TooBad TooSad
by flipper 37 Replies latest jw friends
I agree with all of the comments. It is so nice to have a place where we can talk about
our life, family, religion, and problems without the fear of being being turned into the
elders or being tagged as an apostate.
TooBad TooSad
A big shout out to the Flippers. It's nice having you folks here. The positive energy is refreshing!
I'm very glad you and Ms. Flipper are here.
Nice post.
HOPE 4 OTHERS- Thanks for your support- I appreciate it !
CALIBER- I just believe in standing up for people who have gotten knocked around in life by the " Jehovah's Witness " cult. If they come here and get knocked around again ; I'll still stand up on their behalf ! I'll try to be diplomatic and peaceful in doing it , but I will stand up. I'll keep the posts coming- thanks so much ! Peace.
PIONEER SPIT- Thanks, I'll keep it up !
COCO- Hey guy ! Thanks for the thumbs up ! But you and the others therapy is free of charge ! Don't wanna have to pay taxes on the 5 cents I earn ! LOL!
JK- You are a great friend and I'm glad I met you as well here ! You remind me of good buddies I had for years that no matter how seldom you see them - the good feelings still remain the same ! You are a great person my friend !
SEARCHER- Thanks Searcher, I appreciate your kind words.
FREE 2 THINK- Thanks for the nice thoughts !
NINJA- This smelly dolphin can get pretty cheeky mate ! Might come squirt water on ya , or invite you and your dolphin wife over to swim with me dolphin wife and me ! Wouldn't that take the cake ! LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
only 1 year on JWD - I thought you'd been here years.
Thanks for all your thought provoking topics - I don't always post a comment but always read them.
Yeah peace out Flipper! Or as you dolphins like to say: EEERRH EEEEEEEEEEEERH EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!! EEEEEEEEEER!!!
TOO BAD, TOO SAD- Thanks . It is great to have a place to come to share our lifes problems and talk about things without fear of being busted by the elders ! I agree.
MINIMUS- Thanks, Minimus. I like the way you roll as well ! I've always tried to be a positive person - even in my darkest hours at time in experiences in life. I try to see the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak !
OPEN MIND- Thanks friend, I appreciate the support ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
QUIETLY LEAVING- Thanks for your support. I really enjoy getting to know you folks too, and helping out where I can.
WITNESS 007- Thanks for the kind words. I'm sure real dolphins can make the noise better than me ! LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper