Hunters using a "stealt cam" primarily for bears catch 9 frames of something else on the camera --- BigfooT?
Hunters catch a glimpse of something on camera
by chrisjoel 13 Replies latest jw friends
Seriously...what is it? Are they pursuing it? hehe
That's flipper's kid taking a walk ;)
S -
This is my favorite view of sasquatch. He IS real!
I know for a fact that sasquatch is real. I'm married to him.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Looks like Sister Ayala from West Sacramento!
This is my favorite view of sasquatch. He IS real!
Haha- gotta love The D. -
CHRIS JOEL- That's some pretty interesting footage. It's too bad the animal didn't stay on film longer to get a good look ! My son and I are planning a trip in Northern California to go searching for a Bigfoot my son had an interaction with last May in the Northern Sierra !
SATANUS - I've been wondering why my son hadn't called me for a few days ! LOL! Now I know why ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper -
These sightings are always so obscure, or just a couple of partial frames. Still, it a heck of a lot more than you get from jesus and his second coming, heheh. Bible god,,, well, he aint showing, at all ;) Guess i believe in a partial sasquach.