Does anybody know if/how/where it's possible to download a copy of the latest WT Library CD (i.e. an .ISO file I could burn to a CD)?
WT Library Download?
by Dead Man Joaquin 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
Dead Man Joaquin
Thanx dude, U rock!
Dead Man Joaquin
Do you happen to know of any (preferably free) programs that will burn this?
I haven't use this, but it looks like it will convert a GI file to an ISO file.
ZW GI To ISO 2.0
Well "ZW GI To ISO 2.0" didn't work. It doesn't consider the WT Library GI file a valid file!
ISOBuster is said to work with .gi files.
The files in the .gi file can be extracted using it and then burned to a CD.
It works!
es08 p. 29 MarchSaturday, March 8
wholeworldislyinginthepowerofthewickedone.—1 John5:19.Why is there so much wickedness and suffering? One reason is that mankind in general has rejected God as Ruler, not wanting to submit to his righteous laws and principles. Thus, humans have unwittingly submitted to God’s Adversary, Satan. Knowledge of this fact makes it easier to understand why bad situations exist. Satan is evil, hateful, deceptive, and cruel. So we should expect the world to reflect the personality of its ruler. No wonder there is so much wickedness! Human imperfection is another reason for the suffering we experience. Sinful humans tend to struggle for dominance, and that often results in wars, oppression, and suffering. Ecclesiastes 8:9 aptly says: "Man has dominated man to his injury." A further reason for suffering is "time and unforeseen occurrence." (Eccl. 9:11) People often experience calamity because they are in the wrong place at the wrong time. w07 1/15 1:6, 7
Sorry you seem to all have had so much trouble
The instructions were posted before,
so glad you managed in the end!
It works!
After presenting the facts, Rutherford noted: “When the people are told the facts about a crowd that is operating under a religious cloak to steal their rights, the Hierarchy howls and says: ‘Lies! Put a gag in the mouths of those and do not permit them to speak.’” Then he asked: “Is it wrong to publish the truth concerning a bunch of hijackers that are robbing the people? No! . . . Shall honest men be gagged and compelled to remain silent while this bunch of hijackers destroy the liberties of the people?