I'm an inactive fader (only fading and not DA'd for the sake of my family) but I still have all of my privileges and haven't done anything (That the hounders know about) that would get me DF'd. However, a fews years ago before I was baptized I got a few tattoos. I want to get some new ones and get a some of my old ones touched up. My questions (For any active or former elders/M.S.) what are the WT rules about tattoos? Is it a "conscious" matter, or would I actually get DF'd if they found out I got some additional "artwork" done? Has anyone here been DF'd or been reproved for having some tattoos. Have any of you elders (Active or former) ever DF'd someone for tattoos? Thanks for the help!!!!
Anyone know the rules on JW's and Tattoo's????
by superman 21 Replies latest jw friends
Tired of the Hypocrisy
But if you have them already before you go in you can keep them, however they will hound you till you have them removed.
I don't believe it is a disfellowshipping offence but it would certainly be frowned on and I imagine any 'privileges' a witness may have would be taken away from them certainly if the tattoo showed. The tower hates anything that sets them apart from other witnesses. The one thing that never changes is the need for everyone to tow the line, in other words to not think for yourselves but follow the slave in all matters.
this is one of those, no rules ...but our opinion counts heavily things, that JW's see so often.
nutshell synopsis of why JW's dont tatoo... condensed from a few WT articals..."the Jews didnt do it... and your body is a temple so you dont want to mark it... it's common in the world so what sort of message do you want to send out with your appearance?
If you got one while in... it would be discrete and best be kept your little secret. If you go bold... you will get a talking too.
If you are high profile... the kid who other kids look up to.... you will get a talking to
During the lectures... if you dont show the right attitude the stakes may increase.
Most people who got ink pre-JW just marked it off to being of the world...kept em covered and things went ok.
I remember reading up on this and the literature is murky and non-committal but with a negative overtone, something about it being against the old mosaic law code but since xtians aren't bound to it it's a gray area but you shouldn't do it anyway 'cause we said so.
Besides, if you've already got ink how are they going to know that you got new ones? If anyone asks just stare dumbly and say "But I've always had these!" -
It's not a "BIG" NO-NO but it's frowned upon.
You won't get DFd because it is not a DFing offense.
They'll probably give you a bit of a hard time and a talking though.
I was an elder. It is not listed as a DF offense. It's not "loose conduct."
The only stretch could be that it is flagrant disregard for counsel or policy,
and could get one "marked." But that is a big stretch. You already had
tattoos and you are inactive. If marking were about the worst they could
do, then it ain't a big deal. Most inactives are informally marked anyway.Enhance the ones you have. Don't tell any active JW's in the family that
you got more. Don't bother to hide any of them once they are complete.
It should be a non-issue. If asked specifically by someone who knows,
"Yes, I got some more." Otherwise, "I had tattoos before becoming JW." -
A former roomate had tattoos and the ruling went that he just couldn't have any priveleges in the cong. Not a dissfellowshipping offense, and they can't bar you from preaching, but STRONGLY recommended covering them. As you are inactive you should have no real cause for concern, alrhough i should stress the "should have" as we all know these things can vary from cong. to cong.
In a conversation about tattoos recently, an elder told me that the elders had received either a letter or notification through the CO about 12 months ago stating that tattoos are not to be a cause for reproof or discipline, and that apparently the scripture in Leviticus 19:28, "..you must not make cuts in your flesh for a deceased soul, and you must not put a tattoo marking upon yourselves..." - is speaking of tattoos used in religious worship only.
So he told me there's no scriptural basis for discipline, but the letter/notification pointed out that it would "give an indication of that person's spirituality." Not sure what that means considering there's no scriptural issue with it, but there you go. -
Would Jesus have a tattoo?