.....in Ohio started yesterday and isn't supposed to stop until tomorrow morning. When I see this kind of weather it makes me think of the absurd policy of the Borg that the sisters must always dress in a skirt for field service. Can you imagine having snow blowing up your skirt at 40 mph????
The good news is that everything is shut down and I have had a little time today to poke around on JWD today and sort of catch up on what you guys have been discussing lately.
One of the things that has caught my eye is the discussion about how the Borg is stressing the imminence of the GT and Armageddon.
This is shaping up to be a deja vu nightmare for the poor average witnesses who have hitched their dreams to a fairy tale. I was in 9th grade in 1971 and I can still remember all of the hype about, "Stay alive in '75" and being discouraged from higher education because I would never grow old in this system. What a load of BS. I stayed in until 1997 (foolishly) mainly because I did have a reasonably happy marriage but the marriage and the religion were a package deal and it reached a point where I just had to be intellectually honest and bail from the whole thing.
Fortunately, I am almost finished with a geology masters degree and a law degree at an age where I will still be able to make some meaningful contribution to society.
I feel sorry, more than anything else, for all of the witnesses who have surrendered their minds to the manipulation of men who deem themselves powerful. It is the Borg's management that is truly deluded and corrupt.
I really appreciate all of the thoughtful comments and observations on this site, even though I don't contribute very often.
All the best everyone,