How many of you knew this?

by startingover 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Connaughty

    The WT Society has modified their understanding of the Creative day. The Creation Book(1985) brings out this interesting point:

    The first part of Genesis indicates that the earth could have existed for billions of years before the first Genesis "day," though it does not say for how long. However, it does describe what earth’s condition was just before that first "day" began: "Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep; and God’s active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters."—Genesis 1:2.

    Although this publication states that they can't be sure how long a Creative day existed, and whether the next Creative was greater or less than one another. They relate that the Creation account just provides a succesion of what took place after each other.

    The concept of a Creative day being 1,000 years old was an older understanding, and eventually was replaced as more realistic evidence became available to support this understanding. The Society should have left things alone when they couldn't determine just how long a Creative day was. However, it's a mistake that was finally corrected.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Yes, but Watchtower hid this news report from us, said 'the scientists were trying to teach the evolution' with this dinoaur hypola.

  • mkr32208

    Many of the myths that the ancient Greeks and Romans and Egyptians believed in were based on their discovery and studying of things like bones. Several of the Greek vases and urns clearly show the heads of dinosaurs and stuff like that. History channel has a great show on it.

  • Pahpa


    There was an interesting program on a few weeks ago that suggested that the widespread belief of "dragons" in the middle ages may have been the result of men finding large dinosaur bones. It seemed to confirm that these large mythical beasts actually existed.

  • R.Crusoe

    The 'sickness' of imposed religious ideology cripples mankind!

    Those in authority - what do they think they do when they hide and conceal truth from millions they deceive with their charade of beurocratic godspeak?

    I am perplexed as to what motivates their hearts and minds?

    Their lack of clarity, objectivity and completeness in exposing their own minds to the world is bemusing!

    How can such like humans continue representing the divine and believe in themselves?

    It reminds me of the 60's series 'The Prisoner' who was looking everywhere to locate the top guy and had no idea he had been appointed himslef by his subordinates!

    Humanity is like that! Everyone serving the one in control who has no idea who they are!

  • dawg

    Crusoe... religion is a way in which the masses of idiots can be controlled... that's all it is. Most people are sheep, Jesus was right that sheep like ones would follow him, just as all dumb sheep do when going to the slaughter. But all religions are full of it... a way for simple minded people too afraid of the facts can have their escape from the harsh real world. No it doesn't matter that my child died, or that I have cancer, I'll see them soon in heaven... and off to the never reaches they fly.

    Then get miffed when someone shows them the flaws, they even go to the point of denying their own children. Sick bastards. Just to have the fantasy they've created.

  • jaguarbass

    Since were talking about dinosaurs.

    Back in Cleveland they have the museum of natural history. When I was youth they had the bones of T- Rex. I grew up thinking they found all of these bones and put them together. As I grew older I learned that the museums make models of what they think the dinosaurs looked like based on finding a couple of bones.

    What I'm saying is I believe there were dinosuars but, I dont think they find all the bones to build the models we see in the museums.

    And I am also saying I think what we see in the museums are models. I didnt realize this when I was younger. I thouhgt they found these bones out in the woods someplace and put them all together.

  • jwfacts

    Penny, around 1990 the Watchtower did away with the teaching that each creative day was 7000 years long, but I can not find the quote. When I was discussing it with JWs we assumed it meant tens of thousands of years, not billions of years.

    Here is something even more recent, from 2006, which is so vague I guess some JWs may interpret as being billions of years.


    g9/06p.19DoesScienceContradicttheGenesisAccount?*** How long, then, were the creative days? The wording of Genesis chapters 1 and 2 indicates that considerable lengths of time were involved. ... Clearly, the Bible’s language makes room for the possibility of some major events during each "day," or creative period, to have occurred gradually rather than instantly, perhaps some of them even lasting into the following creative "days."

    Crapola, There is no doubt that the book of Genesis can not be taken literally. There is overwhelming scientific evidence that a global flood is impossible. One simple thing is that the line of Egyptian kings extends back more than 4000, to an earlier date than when the flood was said to have occurred. Also, much evidence shows that humans are more than 6000 years old. For instance civilization including farming etc can be shown to extend back 10,000 years. Numerous of the sciences show that Australian Aboriginals have been around for about 50,000 years.

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