i remember after i had been inviting in a couple of ladys to chat a few times (but i was not a study at this point) i asked outright if me and my kids would be destroyed at armageddon , and one of them replied "yes you will if you are not a jw " i was terrified , i rang my dad and he said to tell them to piss off nxt time they come because they are a cult , how i wish i had listened , but i started a study , and i remeber an elder telling me that the other lady that used to call on me cringed when her friend said to me outright that yes you will be destroyed, and had wished she had put it differently (lied perhaps ) this elder told me that when you study you may not like everthing you learn but its like being given a meal , just because you dont like something on your plate dosnt mean you cant eat the rest of the meal !!!!! is it in their literature to lie to studys ? i know that a lot of jws have said they havnt heard about the michael porter and local child molester scandal when people have mentioned it on the ministery, there is no way that can be true considering the coverage it got , do you think it is announced at the hall to pretend they know nothing so they dont have to discuss it ?
is it true that jws teach it is ok to lie and conceal from a new study?
by looloo 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Way back when I was "preaching," the party line was an analogy to math: you start with the basics such as addition, etc., before you work up to the "harder" parts, algebra, etc. With the JWs, it was to leave out the blood, voting, no-college, and all their other outlandish doctrines until you had reeled in the sucker on the nicey-nice stuff.
Salesmen, one and all.
So, the answer to your question is "yes, it's okay to . . . conceal" from a new study. Calling it lying was irrelevant because a study rarely asked about such things. Concealing certainly was done. They're masters at "spinning."
I believe it's called "theocratic warfare."
Spiritual babes need spiritual milk (lies). They are not ready for spiritual meat.
The public April 2008 Watchtower on page 31 implies that you don't have to be a baptized JW to survive armageddon. Of course, the members only literature tells us differently.
i know that a lot of jws have said they havnt heard about the michael porter and local child molester scandal when people have mentioned it on the ministery, there is no way that can be true considering the coverage it got , do you think it is announced at the hall to pretend they know nothing so they dont have to discuss it ?
No, they definitely don't announce that at the hall. The simple fact is that most dubs HAVEN'T heard about these scandals (I'm not sure which one you mean by "local child molester" though) They don't pay much attention to the news or current events - they're happy to suck up all the crap the Gubberning Body feeds them, but that's it.
choosing life
The books they use for Bible studies say it all. Look through the latest study book and see in what order they place their teachings. Also, notice how much time is spent on their more objectionable teachings.
I noticed over the years, each study book spent less time on blood, holidays, nationalism, etc. I studied out of the blue wonder-The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life. It would have a whole chapter on such things. The newer ones only mention them in passing, if at all.
They explained to me that new ones would "pick these things up at the meetings."
They quote the Bible as defence of their tactic to introduce converts to the 'MEAT' of the WORD later and when they are ready!
Obviously this is subjective and dependant upon the academic level of the individual- both the teacher and pupil! As such it is unregulated and largely down to personal view as to what one says .if and when! So it proves some will fall foul of WT statistics and NO this is not DIVINE powers at work deciding who stays and whpo goes! After all their referenced doctrine, to excuse flwas as being 'meant to be' is lamentable!
Their stuff is fully intended for the duration of a human life with no concessions!
It need addressing and regulating!
To answer your original question Looloo I think it would be unfair to say that most witnesses lie outright when particular questions are asked but they most certainly conceal a lot of things from the newly interested one. They can justify this completely in their own minds saying that the person is not ready for this or that point yet. For those of us in England there was a comedy programme in the 1980s called Yes Prime Minister where one of the hilarius things we saw every week was Sir Humpfrey Appleby very cleverly evading all the important points the Prime Minister was trying to find out about. The Watchtower are absolute masters of this sort of deception.
This sort of deception is worse than a lie and it is a compound structure of deluded reality that is being sold the listener absent the truth and crytstal images of what they are marrying into!
I know the feeling well!
Page 1061 Of Aid to Bible Understanding Under "LIE" It tells you "You do not have to tell the truth to those that are not entitled to it. "
That means any one that is not a JW.....