Not to long ago, I emailed my sister an actual news article regarding pedophilia in the JW religion. In the email I said, wouldn't it be great to send an anonymous letter to our father with this article in it, and let him panic.
Well, I recently found out that she did mail it.. and since then has gathered together many different types of articles regarding child sexual abuse and has been sending them to him, with no return address on them. When she told me, we both had a moment of lightness, laughing our butts off at the poetic justice of him receiving these letters, knowing that he will certainly be freaking out about it. He got away with his evilness with the JW's, and has lived free for many years. What fun to cause a little chaos in his life now! Her therapist said "Good For You" after she told him she had done this. Now its my turn to start my little mailing campaign.
Just had to share that.. perhaps there are some of you out there who would gain a little personal empowerment by doing so as well.