Sun. 9:30 - 11:30 -- Public Talk and WT study -Depends how many congos share the hall. If a 9.30 start would finish at 11.15 to allow for shorter PT (30minutes now)
2:00 - 4:00 -- Field service - again varies. Many (if they have a 9.30 -11.15 PT/WT) will go out about 11.45 -2.00 pm on Field Service
Mon. (after work) -- Study for your Tues. night book study, work on preparing any upcoming parts you many have been assigned. This is encouraged - Yes
Tues. 8:00 - 9:00 -- Book study - Varies in many congos - 7.00 pm or 7.30 pm is a more normal start time
Wed. (after work) -- Study for Thurs night meeting and work on parts assigned. This is encouraged yes - or evening field service
Thurs. 7:30 - 9:30 -- Ministry School and Service Meeting - not quite - would finish at 9.15 pm - and has for many years. The start time may vary depending on congregation and hall being shared by other congos
Sat. Morning -- Field Service, return visits. CORRECT
Sat. evening -- Study for Sunday's WT lesson CORRECT