My life flashed before my eyes yesterday.. close call.

by AK - Jeff 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I leave for work later now than I did for many years - I now leave the house at 3:30 AM for work. It is very dark of course.

    Sunday morning - about 2 miles south of my home, I was traveling a state hi-way, good, dry conditions, probably right at the limit - 55 MPH.

    Just a couple of hundred feet ahead, I caught a little movement on the right of the road. The movement and the size made it clear this was not a 150 pound deer, but something much larger. My first thought was, OMG, a horse and rider out here on the road.I began to remove my foot from the accelerator and move left [no oncoming traffic at that time of morning]. I had little time - as my headlights only picked up the movement when I was already very close. As I began to ease into the center of the road, I see a pitch-black bull ambling right down the center line at me, I had to move back right in a hurry, and hit the crease between the bull on my left and what actually turned out to be two mostly black cows with a couple white patches on my right. I don't know how I missed them. I am a professional driver - that actually might have come into play. There must of only been a few inches between us as I went thru at still nearly 55 MPH.

    My heart was in my throat. I shook all the way to work, and thought about it all day long. On the way to work I called 911 and hopefully they got the cows off the road before a tragedy - which I almost was!

    You know those accidents that kill people? The ones you think will never happen to you? It almost happened to me. If I had hit that 2000 pound bull I would likely be laying on the embalming table now. That scared the shit out of me.

    If I had been on my cell phone, or trying to change the stations on the radio, or just looking elsewhere for a blink of time - I would have been dead. Killed by hitting a cow/bull without ever seeing it. God, I still tremble just typing this.


  • flipper

    JEFF- I totally know how you feel , and although I've never hit something as big as a bull - from 1998 through 2007 , I have struck deers 4 times at 55 miles per hour . 3 times it totaled out my vehicles , crushing in the front end , and radiator . I was never hurt , but the deer were , needless to say. I'm glad for you bro that you got lucky and missed those huge domestic bovines - or you wouldn't have been able to start this thread , let alone live to see another day ! Glad you're still with us ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • momzcrazy

    We used to have cattle and we had a stupid black bull who jumped the fence into my yard every week. What is it with stupid black bulls? I am so glad you are OK. And I agree, your driving skills probably saved your life. I know alot of people are glad you are still here, me included!



    Glad you acted and drove responsibly.

    Who knows how those cows/bovine got out onto the road.

    I'm pleased you cared enough to call EMS (911) and make sure (even the least of us), the cows were hopefully directed to safer grounds or their rightful owners.

    Up here in Canada (U.S.A. too) - the worst collisions are with: moose

    Moose can weigh a ton. Have that come up into your windshield while driving at 100/120 kph - is a recipe for disaster.

    Glad that you got to work OK; glad you called the authorities.

    You probably eliminated a horrendous collision and loss of life on both sides of the mammalian quotient.

    Cows - Humans

    Safe and sound.

  • carla

    I'm glad your ok! Wouldn't that be a helluva a way to go? Did the police have to come and round up the cattle?

    I know a guy that hates wild turkeys. He tells me this and I'm getting a smirk on my face thinking its going to be a joke. Then he goes on to tell me a wild turkey killed his friend who was riding on a motorcycle! Turkeys do fly a bit and it hit him in the head knocking him off his bike and killed him! What a freak accident.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Did the police have to come and round up the cattle?

    I don't know. I called them, and went on to work. I assume they did. Some farmers have a reflective collar on each cow with a number. It seems like that would be a good thing - if they got out, at least you might see the reflector from a longer way off.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings Jeff,

    I'm glad you're all right. I relate to what you said as Flipper's experience is very common here. When returning home at night, I generally take the back roads so as to travel more slowly (pulling over frequently for tailgaters). I remain vigilant, scanning the brush for movement of any sort. It's sort of 50/50 that the beasties stay put ... a wary driver cannot ever let down his guard.

    Be safe out there!


  • JK666


    Glad you are alright! Don't make hamburger on the roadway, buy it at the store.


  • chickpea



    i can relate to the residual adrenaline effect when even contemplating the nearness of a disasterous had MY heart racing just reading your account

    thank goodness it is what it is... and you are safe and well


  • jgnat

    I've been through a couple close calls on the highway. I shook for a long while after, and I mused about my mortality for weeks. I imagine your body is flooded with adrenaline, or, epinephrine. Do some nice things for yourself to help flush that energy-booster out of your system.

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