Wow.. I have changed

by digderidoo 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • digderidoo

    As many of you are aware i have accepted i am an alcoholic for a couple of years, whilst cutting down loads over this period of time i recently have decided to attend AA, which has been a real help.

    I have just looked through some old topics i posted, dating back to 2001, (which was a real dark period in my life). What i have realised is how i have changed, call it growing up, whatever you like. I find it interesting to see my opinions on matters and what i was going through at the time.

    I would recommend anyone to have a browse through their old posts and see if it is the same for yourselves.


  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I agree with you Paul, I think this site has helped me vent ALOT, and although I left at such a young age and some would say why not get over it, I think growing up JW is in some way abusive. I am glad your getting help and growing in your own life. Good luck

  • R.Crusoe

    You'll find it's the same for anyone having had their mind ground down into WT pulp and pushed through their printing press!

    You almost have to mush your own mind and recycle it without any help from anyone!

  • Gopher

    Paul, I joined the board in the same month as you did. I agree we are growing and continuing to find our way. I hope we continue to grow in good ways as long as we walk on this earth.

    Once we get off the Watchtower treadmill (meetings, service, study, rinse, repeat ..........) we can really find our way to make a difference, and learn who we are, and be honest with ourselves and others. No more suppressing doubts about our beliefs, and no more wasting time serving a bunch of guys at headquarters who are mainly interested in the survival of an organization, with little care about effects on individuals.

  • Casper

    Hi Paul, glad that AA is working for you...

    As for looking back at old post, I started here around 2001...... I have went back and read some of mine & thought..."WHO in the world was that person !" It was I sounded like a person on speed back then, must have been the joys of freedom.

    I agree, given the chance to vent and heal...we do change... I am happy for You...


  • R.Crusoe

    Good points Gopher!

    I hope AA gets into the lifelessness of severed social/family bonds because especially for some people that is what alcohol is attempting to numb - the pain of loss and the rejection of life and meaningful love!

    Its as if only such things will adequately remove the emotional/mental traumas of the barren heart some have inside themselves.

    As if only a Job like rebirth would ever be worth the journey forward!

    Best of luck in your journey

  • peter-john

    Sorry , I don't know what " AA " is...

    can someone explain to me ?


  • Maddie

    peter-john - It's Alcoholics Anonymous.


  • Maddie

    Hi Paul - I am so pleased that AA is helping you. Life on life's terms is the way to go so well done!


  • lancelink

    I have had several friends who attended AA over the past several years, and it really helped them get their lives
    back in order.

    It is really encouraging to hear that you are doing well also,
    keep up the good work dude !


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