I am not ALONE!! There's already 2 of us! YAY!!
by truthseeker 14 Replies latest jw friends
I am not ALONE!! There's already 2 of us! YAY!!
I wish this were true:
With the number of ex JWs just about even that of actual JWs (from what I hear), I think we're heading towards a tipping point. Soon enough it will be more embarrasing to remain a JW than be one of the ones to leave the leaning Tower, and 6 years is about what I think it will take to see it all come crashing down. It will be interesting to see what transpires in the next 2190 or so days - things have a way of gaining MOMENTUM and then, just like the Berlin Wall, you will see the UNTHINKABLE!!! Looking forward to it!
But I really think it is just wishful thinking. Jehovah's Witnesses regenerate from disappointments at a tremendous rate.
The generation change in 1995 must have shaken a lot of people. I know it made me think, and I know for many it was key in them leaving. However that was 13 years ago now and in the meantime millions of new JWs have come along. In fact I think I remember doing the calculation and we are now past the point where there are more Witnesses who have joined since 1995 generation change than remain from before that date. So for the majority of Witnesses now the generation non-event is simply not an issue, and their end-time expectation is not related to it.
For any JWs who walk away disappointed there are always two more enthusiastic Armageddon seekers ready to step into their shoes.
I don't argue this position for wanting the Witnesses to succeed by any means. But I don't see any point fighting the reality of the situation as I see it either.
I believe it was 1979 the WT featured an article about 100 years of WT. I am inclined to say they will pass on 2014 in silence. I feel they will not dedicate a single jota to passing of 100 years since 1914. It will only increase awareness that something is not right. You know, with the generation back on par with the twenties....100 years of empty expectation........
I my circle, I hear a lot of people wondering, not per se apostacysing...but then again.........
Ok, I understand what you are saying...but I think it is beyond 'disappointments', now.
For one thing, the baby boomer generation, which I think make up a big chunk of the borg, are at a time in their lives where they are re-evaluating... so therefore many of them will realize that not just their parents didn't see the end, but they will not either, and probably half, if not more, will opt to smell the coffee and wake up!
Secondly, with more internet exposure, and most of that NEGATIVE, the Witnesses have their work cut out for them. I am hearing of reports from other countries of the hard go they are having in the field, hearing from householders(!) about the pedophile issue, and the resulting discouragement it causes those who still force themselves into the ministry to face this ridicule. At some point, these people will wonder what they are doing 'defending' the corporation, the same corporation that does not give a rat's patooty (love that, from another poster) about them or their retirement prospects, now that they've witnessed away all their full employment years.
Thirdly, the tightening legal noose the Society finds itself in, on ever increasing fronts - blood issue, human rights, tax laws, charity status...I am sure I could expand this list. All those lawyers need to be paid. And the funds to pay them are shrinking.
Add to that the price of gas - I'm sure that is also one of the contributing factors to the lessening of the preaching work.
In my opinion, the biggest change is that the Kingdom Hall, which used to be a place of spiritual refreshment from an oppressive and uncaring world, now appears to be a more onerous and oppressive place, as compared to an ever-more caring global community. When reports come pouring in from around the world about the kindness of people to strangers undergoing disasters such as the tsunami and Katrina, compared to heavily filtered news about close to zero being done for the 'brothers', people sense that there is truly TROUBLE IN PARADISE.
So, I stand by my prediction. The tipping point is coming at breakneck speed. You overseers at Brooklyn, TAKE NOTE!
The WT will probably say "we do not serve Jehovah with a date in mind. Let us be humble and sheeplike."