Now a book to explain those creepy feelings you get from some people. And why we are often taught to negate our instincts in favor of what society teaches us. Some really terrific examples from many law enforcement agencies. This is the kind of NF book that you'll read over and over again --- well at least twice anyway. The author is no rookie and neither are the contributing police investigators and profilers. There are many average people who have avoided horrific outcomes because they listened to their instincts. This book is a must --- oh did I mention a discussion on controlling religious cults.
The Gift of Fear
by Panda 10 Replies latest jw friends
I've been recommending that book for years. It has very very valuable information. I re-read it now and then, and recommend to all our students that they read it too.
Thanks for the info! It sounds like a great topic for those whose have been trained to ignor red flags right and left out of fear and obedience to group think.
Yes. Awesome book.
alright...I put in a request at the local library.
thank you
Sounds a contradiction?
Who's it by?
Sounds a contradiction?
RC, I guess you could look at it that way,as a contradiction because who would consider fear as a gift. But consider this that without fear our own ancestors would never have survived. That fear is a gift for knowing what you should fear. In our society young children and especially girls are taught to be polite to adults, listen to them and follow instructions; this despite predators using these social mores to their own ends. In evolution the gift of fear was selected as a useful trait. If we learn to pay attention to that fear we won't always blame the victim (as in domestic violence cases). Fear is important and just as your question implies our society has attempted to make fear undesirable. I hope you'll read this book.
edited to add the author's name Gavin de Becker -
Hey Hortense I am a re-reader myself! Especially a book like this one. Whenever you've recommended the Gift of Fear have you used any online reading guides or do you use something else in discussions? I really like the reading group at NYTimes ... much better than the paper LOL but they don't always read something I want to discuss.
Lisa and MM Maybe your local libraries have a reading group that might consider this for a discussion. I'm trying to get our local police to have a reading group starting with this book. One police investigator is considering what sort of schedule we might do so everyone gets a chance to participate if they'd like to read it.
I've recommended it on this forum a couple of times. Also, I teach massage therapists. I recommend it to all of them, especially because of the specific information de Becker gives on things to look for that indicate someone is dangerous. If you just memorize that little list and start looking for those behaviors, you will be a lot safer and will respond more appropriately to dangerous situations.