C'mon everybody, he's just trying to wind us all up!
Worship The Lord
by real one 76 Replies latest jw friends
real one wrote: "God created what He destroys...He has that right"
By your reasoning, since we're created in God's image, parents have the right to kill their children.
You're a real one, all right. -
Real One: You write that "God is a wonderful God and a just God." You obviously have not read the Old Testament scriptures at all because, if you had read them, you would have noticed that is precisely a horrendous lack of justice that taints the Old Testament god; or at least it taints the depiction of God in the Old Testament.
One of the best descriptions of this god that I have read is that of Richard Dawkins in his book, The God Delusion. Dawkins writes: "The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindicative, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.
It would be worthwhile to note that Dawkins uses the expression "character in all fiction" because that is, in essence, exactly what it is a question of - fiction. Human beings are creatures who, throughout time, have sat around and told stories to each other. As humans, practically everything we "know," believe and experience consists entirely of stories and narratives. As humans, our "psychic reality" - everything that we think - is constituted by narratives - by stories. Words constitute our reality - our "truths."
To continue with Dawkins quote, he writes: "Those of us schooled from infancy in his ways can become desensitized to their horror. A naif blessed with the perspective of innocence has a clearer perception." Although it is almost impossibe to do so completely, I think that we should all, as much as possible, attempt to become naifs blessed with the perspective of innocence. At the least, we should try to view - from a perspective of critical detachment and distance - the narratives that constitute our reality. That is to say that we should learn to critically and objectively analyze what we believe. It is easy to objectively analyze the narratives [we call them "myths'] of people living in previous eras, or in cultures different from our own. However, it is extremely difficult for us to examine our own narratives in that we, quite literally, live within them. Having said that, we would do well to realize that in the future people will read about Chritianity [or Islam,or Judaism] and think to themselves: "How could they have believed that stuff?!?!" The "truths" of one era become the mythology of later eras. People in future generations will view our truths in a way similar to how we presently read Greek and Roman myths.
real one
Mr. Smith I just realized the word we were using was arrogant and that is not how I mean to be. The better word would be bold, so i correct myself.
real one
Rapunzel you keep reading dawkins. im gonna see where it gets you. That same God that you and he speaks of hears your words and believe me you will hear them again too. coming from His mouth.
real one
why are christians arguing with christians on this board. arent we on the same team? Just because you dont like the way someone preaches the gospel do you argue with them. who gave you the authority to critique anyway?
real one,
There is nothing wrong with being bold if you are trying to defend your beliefs. The Apostle Paul was very bold indeed. But the Bible says Christians are the "salt of the earth" so while you may be bold, you should "season" what you say with salt.
I don't know how long you have been a Christian? But learning to season your words better and for that matter, pick your battles, comes with time. As you mature as a Christian you will learn to be more Christ-like with your approach.
Even though you kind of stir things up on this board, you are welcome here. We need people of all kinds here so we can learn from one another. Just remember we have ALL been duped by the WT at one time, so that is a common thread we all share. Another thing about Paul, although he was bold, he always found a common ground when speaking with non-believers. He used that as a starting point and went from there. You see, we can learn lots from the Bible if we take the time to read it daily.
Peace, Lilly
real one
greek and roman myths..you are kidding right? you compare the Bible to that mess
real one,
you are right we should not argue, we are in the same faith. Sorry if I came on strong to you. But I am trying to help you see that while your zeal for Christ is honorable, your approach is terrible. Have you heard the saying; you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar?
No one wants to be constantly preached at and really this is not the forum for that. Perhaps you can witness more about Christ in another way? Such as being an example by your good works.
Stick around here and get to know people better and you will be amazed at how many opportunities to speak about your faith will come up. When the opening comes, season your words with salt and be loving and the Lord will bless your efforts. Peace, Lilly
real one
God is the same in the Old and New Testament...He does not change...