To The Household of God, Israel, and Those Who Go With...

by AGuest 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    May you all have peace!

    For some time I have been coming here encouraging those with ears to hear to pay close attention to what our Lord is recorded to have said is the "way" to resurrection and/or everlasting life (i.e., some will die, but be resurrected to an incorrupted body and everlasting life; some will never die, but simply be changed to such a body so as to have everlasting life). I have shared with you the utter falsity of the WTBTS teachings on this subject, as well as what our Lord has directed me to share from time to time, both without reservation. I have done as I ought to have done.

    Now, once again, a "season" is very closely upon us and I am again directed to pose to you the question, "What will YOU do?" I considered reposting things the Spirit has previously had me share, partly to make it easier on myself (my apologies, but I confess this is true), and partly to ensure that the information is exactly the same, with no deviation. This year, however, the Spirit has directed me to post what our Lord himself is recorded to have said, and then encourage those with ears to hear to do so. Therefore, I now share with you the words of our Lord when he is recorded to have said:

    "I... am the bread of life. Your forefathers (those of Israel AND of the "vast mixed crowd" who went with them!) ate the manna in the wilderness... and yet died. THIS is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that ANYONE may eat of it... and NOT DIE. I... am the LIVING bread... that comes down from heaven; if ANYONE eats of THIS bread... HE WILL LIVE FOREVER; and for a fact, the bread that... I... shall give... is MY flesh... in behalf... of the WORLD. Most truly I say to YOU... UNLESS you eat the flesh of the Son of Man AND drink his blood... YOU HAVE NO LIFE IN YOURSELVES. He that feeds on MY flesh... and drinks MY blood... HAS EVERLASTING LIFE... and I SHALL... RESURRECT him... at the last day... For MY flesh is TRUE food and MY blood is TRUE drink. He that feeds on my flesh... and drinks my blood... REMAINS IN UNION WITH ME... AND I IN UNION WITH HIM. Just as the LIVING Father sent me forth and I live BECAUSE of the Father... he also that FEEDS ON ME, even THAT ONE... WILL LIVE... because of ME. THIS is the bread that came down from HEAVEN. It is NOT as when your forefathers ate and yet died. He that feeds on THIS bread... WILL LIVE... FOREVER. - John 6:48-58

    Dears ones, each and every time you pass the flesh and blood of our Lord past you... each and every time your loved ones pass the flesh and blood of our Lord past ("for the blessing is for you AND YOUR CHILDREN!)... you are PASSING OVER... LIFE!. Unlike Israel and those who went with, who used the blood of goats on their doorposts to have DEATH "passover" them, YOU... are REJECTING the very blood of Christ, the Lamb of God... by means of which Death... PASSES OVER... YOU! YOU... are the "House" of GOD... the TEMPLE of His Spirit! Therefore, the Blood of HIS Lamb... MUST be on your doorpost... in order for Death... to pass over you!

    When you eat the flesh of Christ... you are eating from SPROUT!... the TREE OF LIFE... whose "leaves"... flesh... is for YOUR "curing."!! Without his blood, you are still "dead." You have... NO LIFE IN YOURSELVES... because you do not have HIM abiding in you.

    I understand that there are many who believe this is not necessary, that one can be "in union" with Christ, without following this directive. Our Lord himself said, however, that "He that OBEYS MY COMMANDS... remains IN UNION with me." True, we are also to love even our enemies. We are to serve one another. We are to do to others as we would have them do to us. These, too, are necessary. But putting FAITH in the salvation offered us by means of the blood of Christ is ALSO necessary. He that is faithful in what is LEAST... is faithful... in MUCH.

    They... the WTBTS... has done its primary job, which is to "shut up the kingdom of the heavens before [you]." How long will you continue to allow them to restrict you from LIFE? To whom do YOU belong... and, therefore, whose voice will YOU listen to? That of the Fine Shepherd who gave HIS life for you... and whom you claim to follow? Or the "stranger"... the "hired man"... who would as soon abandon you to the "wolves"... wolves who will and/or have snatched and scattered you... because you do not BELONG to them and therefore, they truly do not LOVE you?

    The choice, as always, is yours. And what will you do, you and your household? As for me and my household, we shall follow the Spirit of God, Holy Spirit, the One whom the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, appointed to grant us life, our Lord, His Son and Christ, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the One of whom the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies Himself said:

    "This is my Son, the beloved. Listen... to HIM."

    THAT One said, "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man... and drink his blood... you have NO life in yourselves."

    May all who have ears to hear... HEAR... and get the SENSE of what the Spirit has said, and what the Spirit and the Bride KEEP saying:

    "Come! ALL you who are toiling and loaded down... take 'life's water'... the holy spirit of God... which water/spirit is poured out from the inmost parts of the Lamb of God, the Tree of Life, the Root of Jesse, the TRUE Vine... Sprout!"... come and take such water... FREE!"

    I am, to time indefinite, your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • rekless

    Thank you.

  • buffalosrfree

    I agree with you, those by passing the bread and wine are bypassing a chance at everlasting life, why even go if you are not going to participate in the ceremony? Makes no sense to go if you don't, you are only encouraged/ordered demanded (guilt tripped) to go so that you can be counted and hopefully make a nice donation to the WWW (so that they pedophile and molestation cases can be settled out of court) and then they the society will screw up the statistics. A Guest nice to see you posting once again, have always looked forward to your post at the least they have always been interesting and informative.

  • AGuest

    May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose name is JAH... of Armies... and the love and peace of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... be upon you... you and your entire households... to time indefinite.

    Your servant, as I am servant to all those of the Household of God, and those who go with them... and a slave of Christ,


  • heathen

    In the end you can only approve of yourself anyway ,the WTBTS does have their members convinced that they are not in the covenant and only the remaining remnant may snack down.They compare the GC to spiritual jews rather than christians, I do believe in the separate fates of the 144k and great crowd . The 144k are martyrs that die prior to the conclusion and the great crowd are the ones that never know death .There are warnings in the new testament about partaking unworthily , you will eat and drink judgment against yourself according to Paul .Apparently the 144k prospects were doing that in some areas , so if they can do it then you have to wonder about the great crowd as well.

  • AGuest

    May you have peace, and thank you for your response! I would like to comment, if you will indulge me; thank you!

    In the end you can only approve of yourself anyway

    I am not sure I know what you mean by this comment...

    the WTBTS does have their members convinced that they are not in the covenant and only the remaining remnant may snack down.

    Yes. A grave error. It is fulfillment of my Lord's words as to some who "shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men..."

    They compare the GC to spiritual jews rather than christians

    Which is an error, because a "christian" IS a "spiritual... Jew". ("He is not a Jew who is one on the outside, but he is a Jew who is one on the INSIDE.") It IS the "man" that we ALL are... on the INSIDE... that we are BY SPIRIT... that is at issue; not what we are on the outside... of the flesh...

    I do believe in the separate fates of the 144k and great crowd.

    Perhaps that is because either (1) you believe what you have been mistaught, or (2) you misundertand what you are reading in John's Revelation. But the scriptures, gospels and other verses actually show different. May I give you a few examples? Thanks! Exodus 12:49 - "ONE law is to exist... for the native AND for the alien resident who is residing as an alien in your midst." John 10:16 - "I have OTHER sheep, which are NOT of THIS fold; those ALSO I must bring, and they will listen to MY voice, and they will become ONE flock, ONE shepherd." Ephesians 2:11-22 - "Therefore keep bearing in mind that FORMERLY you were people of the NATIONS as to flesh; 'uncircumcisded' YOU were called by that which is called 'circumcision' made in the flesh with hands that you were at that particular time WITHOUT Christ... ALIENATED from the state of ISRAEL and STRANGERS TO THE COVENANTS of the promise, and you had no hope, and were WITHOUT God in the world. But NOW... IN UNION WITH CHRIST JAHESHUA... you who were once far off have come to be NEAR... BY THE BLOOD OF THE CHRIST. For HE is our peace, HE... WHO MADE THE TWO PARTIES.... ONE... and DESTROYED THE WALL in between that fenced them off. By means of HIS FLESH... HE ABOLISHED THE ENMITY... the LAW OF COMMANDMENTS CONSISTING IN DECREES... that he might CREATE THE TWO PEOPLES IN UNION WITH HIMSELF... INTO ONE NEW MAN... and make PEACE... and that he might FULLY reconcile BOTH PEOPLES... IN ONE BODY... to God through the torture pole/stake/tree, because he had KILLED OFF THE ENMITY by means of HIMSELF. And he came and declared the GOOD news of peace to you, the ones far off AND peace to those near, because... THROUGH HIM... WE... BOTH PEOPLES... HAVE THE APPROACH TO THE FATHER... BY... ONE... SPIRIT." Certainly, therefore, you are NO LONGER STRANGERS and alien residents... but YOU ARE FELLOW CITIZENS OF THE HOLY ONES... and ARE members OF THE HOUSEHOLD OF GOD, and you have been built up upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, while CHRIST JAHESHUA HIMSELF... is the foundation cornerstone. IN UNION WITH HIM... the WHOLE building... being HARMONIOUSLY JOINED TOGETHER, is growing... INTO A HOLY TEMPLE... for [the Lord]. IN UNION WITH HIM [the Lord]... YOU (non-Jew)... TOO... are being built up... TOGETHER... into a place for GOD... to INHABIT... by SPIRIT." Ephesians 4:4 - "ONE body there is, and ONE spirit, even as you were called in the ONE hope to which you were called, ONE Lord, ONE baptism; ONE God and Father of ALL..." Revelation 5:9-10 - "And they sing a NEW song, saying: 'You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, because you were slaughtered... AND WITH YOUR BLOOD... you bought persons for God... out of EVERY tribe, tongue, people and nation, and you made THEM... TO BE A KINGDOM AND PRIESTS to our God... and THEY... are to RULE AS KINGS... UPON THE EARTH." Revelation 7:4-15 (Summarized) - "And I heard the number of those who were sealed, a hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of THE SONS OF ISRAEL... AFTER these things I saw, and, look! A GREAT CROWD... out of ALL nations and tribes and peoples and tongues... STANDING BEFORE THE THRONE... AND BEFORE THE LAMB... DRESSED IN WHITE ROBES, saying, 'Salvation WE owe... to OUR God... who is seated on the throne and to the Lamb. ... 'These WHO ARE DRESSED IN WHITE ROBES, who are they and where did they come from?'... 'These are the ones that come OUT of the great tribulation... and have washed their robes and made them white... IN THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB. That is why they are BEFORE THE THRONE OF GOD... and they are RENDERING HIM SACRED SERVICE (which only a priest can do!)... day AND night... IN HIS TEMPLE." The "promise" was to Abraham, dear Heathen, that his seed would sit on the throne of God. That seed, however, eventually rejected the very king that God send to save them from death. As a result, Israel itself was "rejected" and replaced by people of the nations. However, because God made a promise to Abraham, He reserved 144,000 "from among the SONS OF ISRAEL," to sit on that throne. Only 144,000... instead of the entire nation of Israel... which was what it originally was supposed to be. Since there were those "of the nations" who proved that they were Jews... ON THE INSIDE... God has given the kingdom to these, ALONG with a "little flock" of Jews... 144,000 in number. ALL Israel, however, will be saved - but not all of Israel will sit on thrones in God's kingdom. The 144k are martyrs that die prior to the conclusion and the great crowd are the ones that never know death . This is incorrect. See above for who the 144,000 are. The martyrs include some who are NOT of Israel, by blood; however, the 144,000 are ALL Israel, by BLOOD, Abraham's seed through Isaac. And some from both groups, the great crowd and the 144,000 die, while some do not. Some of both groups include martyrs. One such person, a man of the "nations" who was martyred for Christ was Socrates.

    There are warnings in the new testament about partaking unworthily, you will eat and drink judgment against yourself according to Paul

    Indeed. And it "chaps" my spiritual "hide" that folks go around throwing this warning around without having a clue as to what it means TO partake "unworthily." They are misusing the words of PAUL... who is NOT our Lord... to OVERSTEP the commandment of CHRIST... who IS our Lord. Our Lord said, "That ANYONE may eat of it," and "UNLESS you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood... you have NO life in yourselves." So? So that means that if you WANT life... you must eat and drink in order to have it IN YOU. Why? Because this "manna"... this "drink"... is what PRESERVES YOUR SPIRIT... so that DEATH does not "conquer" it. It's LIFE-GIVING properties... PROTECTS the TRUE life... the SPIRIT... from bondage to death! Without it... YOU HAVE NO LIFE IN YOURSELF... such that you WILL live when resurrected. Man... does not live by bread alone... but BY THE WORD (Christ) OF GOD. HE... is the LIFE... and the only One who can give YOU... life. By means of the "leaves" of his "tree"... his FLESH... and by means of the "living water"... his BLOOD... HOLY SPIRIT... that "pours out from HIS inmost parts." To partake "unworthily" occurs when one eats from the table of God... while UNCLEAN. You cannot pony up to God's "table" and be unclean; you must WASH... first. You must FIRST... CLEANSE THE INSIDE OF THE "CUP." What does this mean? It means... you must CHECK YOURSELF... INSIDE... who and what you are... INSIDE... and what's going on with you... INSIDE. And you must then GET RID of any HATRED or HYPOCRISY that you are carrying... INSIDE. Otherwise, you are "unclean" and you are "eating and drinking judgment... AGAINST YOURSELF." Because "with the same judgment that YOU are judging... you will BE judged." Sooooo... if you don't want to be JUDGED... then when you eat and drink, you should NOT be doing so while you are judging anyone else. Cleanse... the INSIDE of the cup. And since you CAN'T clean-up inside on your own... you NEED the blood of Christ... to COVER OVER... and BLOT OUT... YOUR "uncleanness." Sooo... where you are LACKING... in love, in joy, faith, in peace, kindness, mildness, goodness, long-suffering, or self-control... you ASK... for some of the "fruit" of God's SPIRIT... HOLY SPIRIT... to HELP you in these areas. And such spirit is not withheld, but given FREELY. Why? Because... God does not WANT... ANY to die. So... He sends the "helper" - the Holy Spirit - Christ... who helps you "conquer"... while "covering over" your error... with his blood. Those who misapply this verse (re partaking "unworthily) do so, in essence, to "shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men."

    Apparently the 144k prospects were doing that in some areas

    It is interesting that you say that; this is another utter misteaching of the WTBTS. Paul was speaking NOT to any of the 144,000 (for that group is taken "from among the sons of Israel"), but to members of "the great crowd." He was speaking to the Corinthians, who were from among "the NATIONS" (as were the Ephesians, Thessalonians, Colossians, Philippians, etc.) Paul... was an apostle... TO THE NATIONS; the 12 were apostles to Israel ("in all Judea and Samaria").

    so if they can do it then you have to wonder about the great crowd as well

    ALL can do it, whether from among the sons of Israel OR the great crowd (nations). Peter displayed hypocrisy and was corrected by Paul. Paul condoned the murder of the early holy ones. You and I "hate" someone for something at sometime... and you and I exhibit hypocrisy (by judging others when we shouldn't) from time to time. ALL have sinned... and fall short of the glory of God. Which is the very reason WHY... we NEED to be "in union" with Christ, by means of eating his flesh and drinking his blood. Otherwise, we will ALL... die... for we are ALL "unclean"... ON THE INSIDE... and without his blood to CLEANSE and/or COVER OVER/BLOT OUT our sins... our sin(s)... remain. I bid you the greatest of peace, dear Heathen, and ears to hear... as the Spirit and the Bride STILL invited: "Come! Take 'life's water'... the holy spirit of God... His BLOOD... which blood flows in and through His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... and is granted to ALL who are wishing and thirsting... so that they may DRINK... and LIVE... come take it... FREE!" Your servant and a slave of Christ, SA

  • lovelylil

    Agreed! Very nicely put. Peace, Lilly

  • lovelylil

    One more thing. In my DA'd letter I sent 4 years ago, a copy of which I sent to a few friends, I explained too that the society has no right to close the door to heavenly life as Christ is the one who invites you in. All Christians who have faith in Christ and accept him as their savior ARE in the new convenant and should be partaking at the memorial of his death.

    Although ultimately I feel that Christ knows our heart and whether or not we are his, by partaking you are outwarding demonstrating that you HAVE accepted his sacrifice as a covering for your sins.

    Like was said by AGuest so eloquently, you are asking Christ to "pass-over" your sins. Just like the angel of death passed over the Isrealites who marked the door with blood. That OT story pointed to Christ as the coming sacrificial lamb.

    The WT is guilty of blashemy, false prophecing and sinning against the Holy Spirit of God by keeping those who accept Christ from entering the new convenant that belongs rightfully to them and by telling people the NT was written only to a select few. What a wieghty judgement they will recieve indeed.

    Again, Good work on this thread. Peace unto you, Lilly

  • heathen

    In the end you can only approve of yourself anyway I am not sure I know what you mean by this comment... Just stating what Paul stated about only after scrutiny should one eat and drink .It' not up to a church . I do disagree that you believe the 144k are literal jews , it's symbolic of a spiritual nation but I still feel a literal number of martyrs since revelation is clear that there are people murdered simply for bearing witness to jesus. When the last one is martyred the four winds of destruction are released.

  • AGuest
    In the end you can only approve of yourself anyway I am not sure I know what you mean by this comment... Just stating what Paul stated about only after scrutiny should one eat and drink . It' not up to a church.

    Ah, yes, now I understand (and the greatest of love and peace to you!)

    I do disagree that you believe the 144k are literal jews

    You misunderstood me: I do NOT believe that the 144,000 are literal Jews. I believe they are, literally, from among the sons of Israel, which INCLUDES Jews. Literal Israel is made up of two groups, some of whom are Jews and some of whom are not and are, thus, "gentiles" (non-Jews). "Gentiles" are those who are not Jews. Literal Israel, however, is: 1. Jews... whose land was Judah, and whose capital was Jerusalem... and who consisted of the 2-tribe kingdom of Judah, made up of Judah and Benjamin (with a sprinkling of Levites, but not enough to count the entire tribe)... and 2. Gentiles (anyone who is a non-Jew and in this case, that part of non-Jewish Israel known as the "Samaritans")... whose land was Samaria, and whose capital was Bethel... and who consisted of the 10-tribe kingdom of Israel, made upRueben, Gad, Naphtali, Dan, Isschar, Asher, Levi, Zebulun, Ephraim and Mannseh (the sons of Joseph). In the latter case, Simeon, as firstborn SHOULD have received a double share, but because of his error The 144,000, however, are made up of Judah and Benjamin ("Jews") and Reuben, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Mannaseh, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun and Joseph ("Gentiles"). Dan is not included because that tribe lost their kingdom inheritance when they failed to take back the land given to Abraham with the other tribes. His (Dan's) share went to Joseph, who, as Jacob's firstborn, received a double share (Jospeh and Mannaseh). He was considered the "firstborn," because Jacob's true firstborn, Rueben, lost his birthright because of profaning Jacob's bed (he had sex with Bilhah). It then went to Simeon, the next in line, who lost it due to his murder of Hamor, Shechem and their men, after tricking them into becoming circumcised for having violation Dinah. The Great Crowd... is made up of Jews AND Gentiles... because these are taken out of EVERY NATION (including Israel)... TRIBE (including Judah and Benjamin, the Jews), PEOPLE (including Israel, Judah, Benjamin, Jews, Gentiles)... and TONGUE. Those of the GC that are Jewsand or Israel... are simply not of those sealed as part of the initial 144,000. Unlike the difference between fleshly Israel, which included 2-tribe Judah and 10-tribe Israel, and "the nations"... which difference was circumcision... and the difference between the Jews and "Gentiles" who were of the 10-tribe Israel... which difference was the place and manner of worship (the temple at Jerusalem vs. Bethel, in the mountains of Samaria)... there is nothing that distinguishes the 144,000 from the great crowd, other than that the 144,000 are "from among the sons of Israel." Other than that, there is NO difference. They are ONE body, ONE spirit, with ONE Lord and ONE God... a kingdom of kings and priests... ALL who render SACRED service in the temple of God. ALL are "circumcised," meaning they have "cut away" the flesh... because they live... by means of SPIRIT. They ALL eat the manna... the flesh of Christ... and drink from the ROCK-MASS... that IS the Christ.

    it's symbolic of a spiritual nation

    Actually, it is a liternal nation... and a literal number. It is the great crowd which does not have a specific number.

    but I still feel a literal number of martyrs since revelation is clear that there are people murdered simply for bearing witness to jesus. When the last one is martyred the four winds of destruction are released.

    Again, not quite: the martyrs include those of the great crowd. They are ALL those who were killed for bearing witness to my Lord, Jew and Gentile, Israel and the nations. And the four winds are not held back until the last of these are murdered; it is held... until the last of those chosen "from among the sons of Israel," are SEALED. They are held back until the PROMISE TO ABRAHAM... is FULFILLED. Thus, Paul is recorded to have said to people of the nations (vs. the Jews): "For I do not want you, brothers, to be ignorant of this sacred secret, in order for you not to be discreet in your own eyes: that a dulling of sensibilities has happened in part to Israel... until the FULL NUMBER OF PEOPLE OF THE NATIONS HAS COME IN... and in THIS manner... ALL Israel will be saved." Romans 11:25, 26 Contrary to the false teaching of the WTBTS, the two groups, the 144,000 and the great crowd... are being filled... SIMULTANEOUSLY. The reason that it is taking the first group, although smaller, as long is because those CHOSEN to fill the promise to Abraham, are from among those who are TRULY Abraham's seed, by means of his BLOOD... who come to say, "Blessed is he that comes in the name of JAH." As with the days of my Lord's flesh on earth, only a small group does... and even then, they take some time to do it. I, myself, a direct descendant of Abraham through his son Benjamin, did not do it until 1997. That was because it was not until then that I came to KNOW God... by means of KNOWING His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA. Although I THOUGHT I had done so for many, many years before that... the TRUTH was that I had not... because I did not KNOW the One who was calling me. I now know him... and through him... am known the Most Holy One of Israel, the God of my forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob... JAH... of Armies. Blessed be the One that comes in His name, my Lord... JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. For the kingdom... and ALL authority... in heaven AND on earth... have been granted him... forever... and ever. I bid you the greatest of peace. Your servant and a slave of Christ, SA

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