May you all have peace!
For some time I have been coming here encouraging those with ears to hear to pay close attention to what our Lord is recorded to have said is the "way" to resurrection and/or everlasting life (i.e., some will die, but be resurrected to an incorrupted body and everlasting life; some will never die, but simply be changed to such a body so as to have everlasting life). I have shared with you the utter falsity of the WTBTS teachings on this subject, as well as what our Lord has directed me to share from time to time, both without reservation. I have done as I ought to have done.
Now, once again, a "season" is very closely upon us and I am again directed to pose to you the question, "What will YOU do?" I considered reposting things the Spirit has previously had me share, partly to make it easier on myself (my apologies, but I confess this is true), and partly to ensure that the information is exactly the same, with no deviation. This year, however, the Spirit has directed me to post what our Lord himself is recorded to have said, and then encourage those with ears to hear to do so. Therefore, I now share with you the words of our Lord when he is recorded to have said:
"I... am the bread of life. Your forefathers (those of Israel AND of the "vast mixed crowd" who went with them!) ate the manna in the wilderness... and yet died. THIS is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that ANYONE may eat of it... and NOT DIE. I... am the LIVING bread... that comes down from heaven; if ANYONE eats of THIS bread... HE WILL LIVE FOREVER; and for a fact, the bread that... I... shall give... is MY flesh... in behalf... of the WORLD. Most truly I say to YOU... UNLESS you eat the flesh of the Son of Man AND drink his blood... YOU HAVE NO LIFE IN YOURSELVES. He that feeds on MY flesh... and drinks MY blood... HAS EVERLASTING LIFE... and I SHALL... RESURRECT him... at the last day... For MY flesh is TRUE food and MY blood is TRUE drink. He that feeds on my flesh... and drinks my blood... REMAINS IN UNION WITH ME... AND I IN UNION WITH HIM. Just as the LIVING Father sent me forth and I live BECAUSE of the Father... he also that FEEDS ON ME, even THAT ONE... WILL LIVE... because of ME. THIS is the bread that came down from HEAVEN. It is NOT as when your forefathers ate and yet died. He that feeds on THIS bread... WILL LIVE... FOREVER. - John 6:48-58
Dears ones, each and every time you pass the flesh and blood of our Lord past you... each and every time your loved ones pass the flesh and blood of our Lord past ("for the blessing is for you AND YOUR CHILDREN!)... you are PASSING OVER... LIFE!. Unlike Israel and those who went with, who used the blood of goats on their doorposts to have DEATH "passover" them, YOU... are REJECTING the very blood of Christ, the Lamb of God... by means of which Death... PASSES OVER... YOU! YOU... are the "House" of GOD... the TEMPLE of His Spirit! Therefore, the Blood of HIS Lamb... MUST be on your doorpost... in order for Death... to pass over you!
When you eat the flesh of Christ... you are eating from SPROUT!... the TREE OF LIFE... whose "leaves"... flesh... is for YOUR "curing."!! Without his blood, you are still "dead." You have... NO LIFE IN YOURSELVES... because you do not have HIM abiding in you.
I understand that there are many who believe this is not necessary, that one can be "in union" with Christ, without following this directive. Our Lord himself said, however, that "He that OBEYS MY COMMANDS... remains IN UNION with me." True, we are also to love even our enemies. We are to serve one another. We are to do to others as we would have them do to us. These, too, are necessary. But putting FAITH in the salvation offered us by means of the blood of Christ is ALSO necessary. He that is faithful in what is LEAST... is faithful... in MUCH.
They... the WTBTS... has done its primary job, which is to "shut up the kingdom of the heavens before [you]." How long will you continue to allow them to restrict you from LIFE? To whom do YOU belong... and, therefore, whose voice will YOU listen to? That of the Fine Shepherd who gave HIS life for you... and whom you claim to follow? Or the "stranger"... the "hired man"... who would as soon abandon you to the "wolves"... wolves who will and/or have snatched and scattered you... because you do not BELONG to them and therefore, they truly do not LOVE you?
The choice, as always, is yours. And what will you do, you and your household? As for me and my household, we shall follow the Spirit of God, Holy Spirit, the One whom the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, appointed to grant us life, our Lord, His Son and Christ, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the One of whom the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies Himself said:
"This is my Son, the beloved. Listen... to HIM."
THAT One said, "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man... and drink his blood... you have NO life in yourselves."
May all who have ears to hear... HEAR... and get the SENSE of what the Spirit has said, and what the Spirit and the Bride KEEP saying:
"Come! ALL you who are toiling and loaded down... take 'life's water'... the holy spirit of God... which water/spirit is poured out from the inmost parts of the Lamb of God, the Tree of Life, the Root of Jesse, the TRUE Vine... Sprout!"... come and take such water... FREE!"
I am, to time indefinite, your servant and a slave of Christ,