I'm a nontheist, atheist and agnostic. I guess I like the term nontheist best, even though it basically means the same as atheist. To me, nontheist simply says what I am not, while atheist has come to represent what someone is, at least in the minds of some people. I don't mind saying what I am. I just wish the term atheist had a more consistent definition in the minds of those who use it. I also feel that the terms atheist and agnostic overlap, so I believe both apply to me even though both can include views that are not my own.
Part of the problem is that all these terms are defined in relationship to the concept of god, another term that is poorly defined. I wish theists would better define the word god. However, most theists only believe in one god or a specific collection of gods, so they don't feel a need to use a term that is much broader than they need for their purposes.
It is easy for me to declare that I am not a believer in Yahweh or Zeus. I would even be willing to say that I think the existence of either is very improbable. It's harder for me to express my view of the possibility of a god or gods in general, when I don't know what kind of hypothetical lifeforms would qualify as a god. For example, what if some alien planted primitive one celled organisms on earth that later involved into us and all other life on this planet? Would that alien be a god? In a sense it's not very important. It's just a matter of definition. On the other hand, the terms we use can indicate our stand on that and countless other scenarios.
I'm just cautious about turning my ignorance into the illusion of knowledge or turning absence of evidence into evidence of absence. I think gods are improbable, but I am well aware that a small portion of the things I regard as unlikely may be true. I am confident that there are many unseen mysteries that we have not even thought of. I would hate for something as mundane as terminology to interfere with my ability to be open to new possibilities.
What are your thoughts? Is anybody else concerned about how we define things like god and atheism?