I see the opposite happen in my town , when jw's see me around. I'll watch jw's go to a door were there is no one home. then I show up on the sidewalk and the jw's go running back to door (where they know no one is there ) AND I just stand there and watch them pound/ knock/ ring that bell hoping I would leave. but I just stand there and call out no one's home, come talk to me I'll buy all your mag's and make you EARN YOUR TIME.
Dubs and doorbells -- has there been some "new light"?
by parakeet 32 Replies latest jw friends
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Door dodging is the height of hypocrisy imho. Why get dressed up, go out to the doors and then not talk to anyone. They want the hounders to see them at the doors but they don't have the sand to speak up and let their light shine for the world to see it? When I went I knocked or rang the bell. I wanted to share what I believed was truth. Of course, maybe trhey don't believe what they are drumming....In which case they should just not go at all. I quit going when I no longer felt in my heart that I could bring anyone into an organization where they preach love but are more hateful than anything.....
I wonder if I were in your shoes what I would have told them.
I was a PDK
(pretend door knocker)
Princess Daisy Boo
I cant recall actually pretending but I did hope like hell that there would not be a householder at home!
I gotta admit... I did pretend to knock!
Door dodging is the height of hypocrisy imho. Why get dressed up, go out to the doors and then not talk to anyone.
ROFL. Well the idea is that your fellow JWs see you out in service. That way, they think you are "spiritual" and they will still invite you to gatherings and things.
Also, you can put the hours you do onto the little slip and the congregation secretary won't come asking you why your hours are less.
Actually preaching isn't the purpose. Seriously.
I learned the fake knocking technique from the young teenagers. My son told me that a couple of his friends did it, so, hence myself.
If you check your "Equipped For Every Good Work" field ministry guide book you will see that it is up to each individual's conscience as to whether they ding-dong or not... "This is because apparently the ancient Doorbellians invented the door bell as a way to summon spirit forces. The Doorbellians were a little known, civilization, similar to the Smurfonians, a patriarchal society worshipping a diety know as Papasmurf. We realize today that most individuals do not summon spirits with their doorbells but to criticize those who wish to refrain from any hint of pagan ritual would be wrong on our part."
There are many techniques used the world over to reduce the risk of actually talking to someone in the service of the real estate development cult.
The door knocking techinque described in this thread in combination with the pioneer shuffle are extrelemly effective. Those publishers should be congratulated for a job well done.
Mickey mouse
I thought eveyone did the fake knock?