On Wednesday the Dutch Radd van State (Council of State) heard a case regarding the adoption of children by Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Here’s a rough translation of this news item;
THE HAGUE - A couple from Veenendaal that are member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses (who are against blood transfusions) cannot adopt a foreign child.
The Council of State heard the appeal yesterday. “My clients are against blood transfusions. This point of view is based on the Bible”, said their lawyer B.F.M. Bunch. “In Leviticus 7:26 and in Deuteronomy (?translation unsure?) 15:20-29 it says that they must abstain from blood. Those texts they take very literally. They take from that not only can they not eat blood, but that blood to enter their body via transfusions.”
The couple asked the Minister of Justice in 2005 authorisation to adopt a foreign child. This is the first step in the adoption procedure. The Minister refused the application because the couple indicated they were against blood transfusions. Candidates for adoption must confirm that they will let a child receive all vitally importance medical treatment.
The couple feels himself discriminated against because all Jehovah's Witnesses are excluded of adopting a foreign child. The court agreed with that concerns, but let the interest of the child weigh more heavily. The couple contended that they had non-religious objections against blood transfusion. Due to human error in the administration of blood dozens of people die per year. It is also true that IF blood was necessary then the couple could have their parental authority removed. The Council of State will rule in six weeks.
The editorial comment is along the line of if an adult make damn fool decisions about their medical treatment, fine, but kids needs protection and they hope the Council of State rule that way
I think this is an excellent step; it is tantamount to a recogntion that JW doctrine results in the potential neglect or abuse of childrenm to an extent that they not be allowed to adopt any.