My sister, that is also df'd, just called me. She has MS and it is starting to flare. She keeps falling down because she doesn't have strength in her legs and her speech is starting to slur. Her a-hole of a no good husband, told her last week he wanted a divorce. She is still there though. She got so sick last night and fell and got caught in between her dresser and makeup table. She only weighs 100 pnds soaking wet. The bastard would not even come and help her....Her two children, 10 & 8, came and helped her back into bed. I just found all of this out!
She told me that the bastard then came upstairs and told her that he wishes she would fall on her f"ing face and couldn't get up so that he could just walk all over her. I AM SO PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm getting ready to leave and go get her and her kids. He is leaving for work in an hour. She lives 1 1/2 hr from me, so by the time I get there he should be at work & I can get her stuff packed and leave with the kids.
She is so worried that he will take the kids from her. She has a pre-nup and can't get the house, so he shouldn't be able to get her for abandonment. I've already called my divorce attorney and got her an appt.