Are you completely devoid of fear regarding JWs in your life at this point?
Do You Ever Fear The Jehovah's Witnesses???
by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends
We should only fear God
JW's seem to fear JW's more than God himself.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that God forgives, and JW's don't forgive as easily....
.....only the mean ones....they suck.....
I am still scared a bit.
I haven't had my confrontation yet.
I don't know how I'd act......(I tend to get a bit heated)
Homerovah the Almighty
No not at all, on the contrary I find them quite annoying, well some more than others , the witless witnesses can be quite the evil little buggers so watch out for them.
Not at all. When and if the time comes for confrontation I'll be locked and loaded.
edmond dantes
Are you kidding?,it's like being worried by a sheep.
My only fear lay in the respect I still had for them decades after they had none for me which I finally woke up to!
Now I know god isnt on their side whats to respect?
Not in the least.