hey, im not sure if any of u remember the other time i said that i liked this jw girl, but im gonna jump that. well, she's invited me to her gathering on the 22nd. which is like according to them, jesus's b'day. well, i said yes. im just going to see how things go for them. im catholic, so dont worry, im not ever gonna convert. just wanted all ur opinion on it.. am i like putting a foot into the grave already?
22nd march
by tank3r87 36 Replies latest social relationships
It is the event which remembers Jesus death. Not birthday. LOL
If I were you, I'd take my IPOD. Otherwise you may die of boredom.
which is like according to them, jesus's b'day.
haha, i nv leave the house without it;) my bad on the birthday part.. but it is funny.. hahahah
hey, im not sure if any of u remember the other time i said that i liked this jw girl, but im gonna jump that. well, she's invited me to her gathering on the 22nd. which is like according to them, jesus's b'day. well, i said yes. im just going to see how things go for them. im catholic, so dont worry, im not ever gonna convert. just wanted all ur opinion on it.. am i like putting a foot into the grave already?
If you're a Catholic, you are going to be very surprised by what you see. It's like a mass, except the elements are passed from person to person and nobody will partake.
If anyone does, everyone will look shocked and start tut-tutting and gossip about them afterwards. -
maybe its becos they get to do it only once a year? :P
Just remember that all people who are not JWs are the ones who need to drink the wine and eat the bread. Just take a sip of the wine and munch a bit of bread.
AO ! You ruined it!
serious?? i was thinking of hanging out at the back of the crowd. plus im also afraid of something else.
They don't ask you to go up to the front. EVERYONE gets the wine and bread passed to them....they pass it around while everyone is sitting down.